Visualizing Bitcoin Post Frequency on HN with InfluxDB and Rickshaw

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Based on casual observation, the crowd at HackerNews seems to be totally obsessed with Bitcoin and it seems to be reaching a fever pitch. What better way to look at the HN Bitcoin obsession than with a visualization? In this post we’ll use InfluxDB and Rickshaw to create a visualization of the number of posts with Bitcoin in the title on HN.

InfluxDB has a straightforward and snappy HTTP API that makes it easy to pull your time series data out in real-time for use in user interfaces and visualizations. This makes it a great pairing with D3, a data visualization library written in JavaScript.

First, we need to load InfluxDB with the data of Bitcoin posts over time. We’ll use an open Hacker News API to get a list of the last 1,000 posts containing the phrase bitcoin in the title. Here’s a quick ruby script that also leverages the InfluxDB rubygem for writing data into the database:

require "rubygems"
require "net/http"
require "net/https"
require "uri"
require "json"
require "time"
require "influxdb"

QUERY = "bitcoin"

http ="", 443)
http.use_ssl = true

influxdb = "bitcoin", {
  :host => "",
  :port => 9061,
  :username => "todd",
  :password => "password"

(0..9).each do |count|
  params = {
    "q" => QUERY,
    "start" => 100*count,
    "limit" => 100,
    "sortby" => "create_ts desc",
    "weights[title]" => "1.0",

  request = "/" +
  response = http.request(request)
  data = JSON.parse(response.body)

  data["results"].each do |result|
    influxdb.write_point("posts", {
      :message => result["item"]["title"],
      :time => Time.parse(result["item"]["create_ts"]).to_i * 1000

If you don’t have a local installation of InfluxDB handy, head on over to our InfluxDB Playground and create a free database to experiment with. Once we have our data available, we can turn to the fun part - visualization. To make things easier, we’re going to use a wrapper for D3 called Rickshaw, which was written by the gang over at Shutterstock.

We’ll just use the InfluxDB Javascript Library to fetch the data, and then feed that right into a simple line chart in Rickshaw.

$(function() {
  var influxdb = new InfluxDB("", 9061, "todd", "password", "bitcoin");

  influxdb.query("SELECT COUNT(message) FROM posts WHERE time > now() - 365d GROUP BY time(24h);", function(points) {
    var data = {
      return { x: point.time / 1000, y: point.count };

    var graph = new Rickshaw.Graph({
      element: document.querySelector("#chart"),
      width: 640,
      height: 200,
      renderer: 'line',
      series: [{ data: data, color: 'steelblue' }]

    var xAxis = new Rickshaw.Graph.Axis.Time({ graph: graph });
    var yAxis = new Rickshaw.Graph.Axis.Y({
      graph: graph,
      orientation: 'left',
      element: document.getElementById('y_axis')


Since InfluxDB lets us easily query the time series data, all we need is a simple transformation and then it’s ready to feed directly into Rickshaw.