Why use InfluxDB?

Use InfluxDB to gain insights into your data and enable quick data-driven decision making. Developers use the InfluxDB platform to collect data with nanosecond precision which facilitates informed actions as the metrics are collected.

Renewable Energy: Helping sustainability efforts by collecting sensor metrics from wind turbines, solar panels, urban farming, and electricity.

FinTech: Streamline the collection and analysis of financial metrics used to empower engineers and customers with current data.

Crypto: Quickly monitor high volumes of market data — market types, prices, exchange rates, and transactions.

“Before Factry, VLEEMO had to log in via remote desktop into each individual SCADA system per wind farm to have a look at how the turbines were doing. InfluxDB is extremely easy to set up, requires no external dependencies, has a SQL-like query syntax, and is fully open source.”

Frederik Van Leekwyck
Business Development and Marketing Manager, Factry.io