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Customer Story:


ParAAvis success story

OOO is a manufacturing company specializing in lightweight, high-precision metalworking. OOO’s holding company is ParAAvis — one of the most famous manufacturers of ultralight aviation products in the world. OOO’s products are intended for aviation and other industries that require a very high degree of accuracy in their mechanisms. All of their lathes, quality control and counting machines are automated and generate a huge flow of time series data.

OOO was looking for better DevOps monitoring. Before InfluxDB, OOO (also known as Pavis Plus) used a traditional relational database, MySQL, to store statistics and online monitoring data. Under times of heavy load, the system would fail and be unable to continue to accept writes, causing gaps in the continuity of their data. OOO in turn started suffering material losses because of this. They then decided to test a database management system that was purpose-built for time series data. InfluxDB proved to be very fast, lightweight and able to store data efficiently.

Replaced MySQL database

Gained time-stamped data insights

Better DevOps practices

Gained better visibility into operations during heavy loads

Reduced operational costs

Discovered InfluxDB and fixed material losses

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