InfluxDB Cloud
The #1 Time Series Database


InfluxDB Cloud
The #1 Time Series Database

Momentum leader
Users love us

Easy to build, scales automatically, free to start

Get up and running in minutes with an easy to use, scalable, serverless time series platform available on AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.

Leverage the full power of the InfluxDB Cloud platform without the need to provision infrastructure and manage clusters. InfluxDB Cloud gives you a fully-managed, serverless experience.

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    Build it your way

    Available for any site, environment, or cloud provider

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    Supports millions of metrics per second

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    Vibrant ecosystem of tools for builders

    Supported by some of the most popular dev tools

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    Secure and reliable

    InfluxDB Cloud is SOC 2 Type II compliant and built on security industry-standard

Developers recognize InfluxDB as the leading time series database on G2 and DB-Engines.

Developers use InfluxDB Cloud for:



Use InfluxDB to collect sensor and device metrics from factories, manufacturing plants, satellites, and smart devices.



Use InfluxDB as a central platform where all metrics, events, logs, and tracing data can be integrated and centrally monitored.


Developer tools

Simplifying app developement for engineers by enabling time series data collection, tranformations, and alerting.


Real-time analytics

Developers gain access to infrastructure, internal systems, apps and customer data in real time, all used to help monitoring and provide predictive intelligence.

InfluxDB is powering applications at companies like:

AXA success story
Volvo logo
Cisco gNMI
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Want to learn more about getting started with InfluxDB Cloud and MQTT?

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