InfluxDB University
Learn the skills to build powerful applications that use real-time data.

Taught by the time series experts behind InfluxDB and Telegraf, InfluxDB University courses teach you the technical skills and best practices to get the most out of your real-time data. Designed for all experience levels, InfluxDB U provides a catalog of free, hands-on lessons that advance your data skills.
Live training
Live weekly trainings and workshops are led by time series experts who are available to answer questions.
All upcoming courses take place on Thursdays at 8 am Pacific.
Latest training news
This InfluxDays session replay covers all the learning resources available to support InfluxDB users and hear the future plans for InfluxDB University, including a sneak peek at the course and professional certification roadmap.
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Don't want to wait for the next live training?
Watch the latest live training on-demand now.
Time Series Basics
Watch the videoInfluxDB Basics
Watch the videoData Collection Basics
Watch the videoData Querying Basics
Watch the videoOn-demand
Get started right away with our self-paced courses and learn best practices on a variety of technical topics.
- Time series concepts
- Installing InfluxDB
- Time series data ingestion methods
- Querying & data analysis with Flux
- IoT application development
- Automating processes in InfluxDB
- Real-time data processing
- and much more
Share your accomplishments
Complete courses to earn digital badges that you can share on your social and professional profiles. Read our FAQ to learn more.