Announcing Telegraf 0.10.3 with Support for more Message Brokers and Arbitrary Data Formats

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Here’s what’s new in the Telegraf 0.10.3 release…

New Message Brokers

Telegraf now supports consuming metrics from MQTT and NATS message brokers (in addition to the existing Kafka consumer). In addition to these new message brokers, Telegraf can now also consume data that is in a variety of formats, rather than only line-protocol. Read on to learn more…

Arbitrary Data Formats

Input plugins

For incoming textual data, such as via the exec or any of the *_consumer input plugins, users can now specify the data format that they would like to parse, current option are:

  • influx (line protocol)
  • graphite
  • JSON

Each of these options has a unique set of configuration options. More info on each of them can be found here.

Output Plugins

For outgoing textual data, such as via the file or any message broker output (NSQ, MQTT, Kafka, etc.), users can now specify the data format they would like to serialize metrics to, current options are:

  • influx (line protocol)
  • graphite

Each of these options has a unique set of configuration options. More info on each of them can be found here.

Future Work

We would like to support more data formats and more powerful parsing and serializing templates in the future. Members of the community are encouraged to submit PRs for new parser (input) and serializer (output) plugins.

flush_buffer_when_full Configuration Option

In order to better support message broker consumers, Telegraf now has the option to flush it’s internal buffer whenever it fills up, regardless of the specified flushing interval. This will allow users to guarantee that metrics will not be overwritten no matter how high the load gets.

This option is available under the [agent] configuration section.

New Plugins

The following is a list of new plugins added in 0.10.3:

  • dovecot (input)
  • raindrops (input)
  • mqtt_consumer (input)
  • nats_consumer (input)
  • couchdb (input)
  • mesos (input)
  • file (output)

View the changelog for a full list of changes.