InfluxDB OSS & 3.0;
A Performance Comparison

With more than 900k active instances running globally, InfluxDB is the leading database for generating real-time insights from time series data. With the scale, ease, and high availability of the 3.0 product suite, and the flexibility of OSS, there’s an InfluxDB for every use case.

Dive in and compare InfluxDB open source and InfluxDB 3.0 for your workloads.

InfluxDB 3.0 delivers 90% lower storage costs. Using object storage to optimize storage costs delivers lower storage footprint and costs compared with the SSD-based (Solid State Devices) storage used by InfluxDB OSS.

InfluxDB 3.0

InfluxDB OSS

InfluxDB 3.0 ingests data sets faster—without performance degradation as you scale.
Higher rates of ingest are better.

InfluxDB 3.0

InfluxDB OSS

Users expect fast access to data they want. Lower is better.

Display Queries were run 10 times in the test. P95 shows the 95th percentile, Min shows the minimum, Max shows the maximum and Avg shows the average of the query results from the 10 runs.   Select one
Time range Last 5 mins includes results from querying past 5 minutes of data. Last 60 mins includes results from querying past 60 minutes.
Queries Select the query types to show the query latency comparisons for.    Select the type of queries to include

InfluxDB 3.0

InfluxDB OSS


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See the science behind the numbers. Download the full report.