InfluxDB Blog

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Ehsan Fazel

Ehsan Fazel

Ehsan Fazel has over 20 years of experience in the IT industry starting from network engineer, then into consulting and now as a Systems Architect in the sales organization. Ehsan was born in the UK and completed his schooling in Iran - including a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. He ventured into IT and networking since 2001 starting with Internet Service Providers during their boom and then working as a customer solution engineer for various telcos. Ehsan joined Cisco as a customer support engineer in 2010 at Learning at Cisco, overseeing all aspects of operations for expert-level certification (also known as CCIE). In his most recent engagement, Ehsan is creating a data visualisation pipeline that ingests sensor data and parses it in order to create a real-time view of the environmental data for roadway construction sites.

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