Become a Telegraf Pro with a New Course from InfluxDB University

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Telegraf, InfluxData’s open source data collection agent, is a key tool for managing data pipelines. Users around the world rely on Telegraf’s flexibility to collect, clean, transform, and send data. But even with Telegraf’s immense popularity, we continue to look for ways to make it even easier to use.

That’s why, when we launched InfluxDB University, we knew that Telegraf would be a key ingredient. And there’s a ton to cover from the nuts and bolts of how Telegraf works, to the hundreds of plugins available for it, to the ways that the community can contribute back to the Telegraf project itself.

Become a Telegraf expert with InfluxDB U

We’re pleased to announce that our  Telegraf course , Data Collection with Telegraf, is now open for enrollment.

Developed by our Telegraf team, this course is taught by product leaders and software engineers who focus on Telegraf. This course covers all the key information users need to get started with Telegraf. This includes topics like data collection, Telegraf best practices, and even creating your own custom Telegraf plugins. The team even shares their expert troubleshooting advice on how to avoid common mistakes.

This is a self-paced online course, so you can work through the material at the speed that fits your needs.

You can be first in line to access the Data Collection with Telegraf course by enrolling today. And keep an eye out for new Telegraf courses in the future.

Any learners who successfully complete Data Collection with Telegraf will earn a digital badge so they can share their accomplishment on the social or professional profile.

InfluxDBU-completed badge

InfluxDB University

InfluxDB University is a free educational initiative from InfluxData designed to help developers better understand and build skills with the InfluxDB platform. It offers a range of courses and learning tracks covering different tools within the InfluxDB platform. InfluxDB U is the best place to get the information and training necessary to become an InfluxDB power user. Check out the full course catalog and enroll for free at