InfluxData Blog

The platform for building time series applications in less time with less code.



DZone | Why Use K-Means for Time Series Data? (Part Three)

Publication: DZone Title: Why Use K-Means for Time Series Data? (Part Three) Author: Anais Dotis-Georgiou Abstract: In this article, published by DZone, InfluxData Developer Advocate Anais Dotis-Georgiou shows how she used K-Means and InfluxDB to detect anomalies in EKG data with the InfluxDB...


DZone | How To: Building Flux Queries in Chronograf

Publication: DZone Title: How To: Building Flux Queries in Chronograf Author: David Simmons   Abstract: In this article, IoT Developer Evangelist at InfluxData David Simmons provides a walkthrough of how to build Flux queries in Chronograf. He begins by noting that with...

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