Get Inspired by Solutions Built on InfluxDB

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InfluxDB is a platform for builders. While InfluxDB is designed to be powerful, its true potential is unlocked when developers build unique solutions with the InfluxDB platform at their core. At InfluxData, we are constantly amazed and inspired by the solutions, tools and products our community of customer and open source users build on top of our software. To help share their creativity and inspire others, we’ve launched the Built on InfluxDB program.

What is Built on InfluxDB?

Built on InfluxDB is a digital program to help inspire the community about the flexibility of the InfluxDB platform by showcasing various use cases and applications that can be powered by InfluxData technologies. We’ve created a set of special graphic badges and a social hashtag to indicate that your project is built on InfluxDB, the leading time series database. Using the badge on your website shows your customers and users they can count on your solution to deliver the data they need because it’s built on a proven platform. Participating in the Built on InfluxDB program also helps the InfluxData team discover and share these exciting projects with the broader time series community.

Get involved

To learn more about the program and to download the badges for your website, blog, GitHub or other project materials, visit the Built on InfluxDB program page. Use the hashtag phrase “Built on #InfluxDB” in all your social posts about your project to further inspire the InfluxDB community. We’ll try to re-share as many as we can.

built on influxdb badges

MOXIE IoT: Built on InfluxDB

MOXIE IoT uses industry standards and cutting-edge technology to create an IIoT monitoring solution which provides its manufacturing customers with a single source of truth. Learn how the company’s iOS iPad app equips its customers to visualize and analyze industrial factory data in real time. MOXIE IoT uses InfluxDB, MQTT and Ultra-Wideband to accurately measure and track any object, device, personnel or machinery. Visit MOXIE IoT’s website to learn more and see the Built on InfluxDB badge in action.

Share your story

Want to share the details of your project or solution to be featured on the InfluxData website? Submit your story today and we’ll send you an InfluxData hoodie in return!