InfluxDays SF Recap and Introducing InfluxDays 2018 NYC!

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Two Action-Packed Days!

Wow—what an event! We had a great time with our users at our inaugural InfluxDays 2017 in San Francisco—the industry-based content and the networking made the event worth attending. Paul Dix kicked off the day with his introduction of a new query language, Influx Functional Query Language (IFQL). He was followed by speakers from, Grafana, Lander Analytics, and Sidewalk Labs and the event closed out with a talk from Baron Schwartz of VividCortex. In case you missed it, or just want to relive the excitement, here’s a recap of the event.

The next day, we hosted a workshop at our San Francisco headquarters where users had the opportunity to learn more about IFQL and how they can contribute to it. There were also in-depth sessions covering building an IoT monitoring solution, Kapacitor, InfluxDB Enterprise, and Telegraf. We ended the workshop with beer and pizza and an opportunity for users to network amongst themselves and with our engineers. I think we can all agree that we all learned a lot!

New Features

No event is ever complete without the introduction of some new features.

InfluxDB 1.4, besides the release of IFQL, has some other enhancements:

  • Compaction Performance Improvements
  • Client and HTTP Enhancements
  • Message Pack formats for responses

Telegraf 1.4.4 includes some bug fixes such as:

  • Use schema specified in mqtt_consumer input
  • Redact Datadog API key in log output
  • Fix error getting PIDs in Netstat input

Thank You

Thank you to all the users that joined us as well as the great speakers that entertained and educated us. In case you missed our event, or you want to listen to the talks again, we have posted all the videos from the sessions. We also posted some great pictures of the event— you can see that everyone was having a good time and the event was a success. I would also like to thank our sponsors—Grafana, Seeq, and AWS. We appreciate their support and look forward to working with them again.

InfluxDays 2018 NYC

With only 77 days to go, InfluxDays 2018 NYC will be here before you know it! It will be held on February 13-14, 2018 at Maiden Lane Conference Center, 180 Maiden Lane, New York, NY 10038. Similar to our San Francisco event, the first day will be filled with time series relevant talks followed by a full day hands-on workshop. We have a few speakers lined up, but if you have a topic that you would like to submit, please do so as our call for papers for our New York event is officially open!

Registration is also open so take advantage of the smokin’ rate of just $125! And be sure to follow us on Twitter @InfluxDB to remain in the loop for more upcoming events and news.