| Case Study: Time Series Helps PipelineFX Customers Save Time, Money

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Publication: Title: Case Study: Time Series Helps PipelineFX Customers Save Time, Money Author: Chris Churilo

Abstract: In this article, InfluxData Director of Product Marketing Chris Churilo profiles the use case of PipelineFX, which helps organizations of all sizes better manage the cost of rendering for digital media applications and programs. Churilo discusses how time series solves the problem of PipelineFX customers. These customers rely on PipelineFX’s Qube! product to manage their render pipeline and make critical business decisions, faster and smarter than the competition.

The author explains that since PipelineFX wanted to measure and bill at a high-frequency time interval, as well as determine real-time peak demands, it needed an alternative to its traditional relational database, which was no longer proving effective. To gather this high-frequency data, PipelineFx deployed a time series solution. Churilo concludes with the results of that deployment, including maximizing efficiency and optimizing existing and future infrastructure.

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