Release Announcement: Telegraf 1.13.4

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A new maintenance release for Telegraf is available now.

This maintenance release of Telegraf includes improvements to the following plugins:

  1. Official packages now built with Go 1.13.8.
  2. Agent
    • Fixed an issue of inconsistency with input error counting
  3. Prometheus Input (prometheus)
    • Parses NaN values from summary types
    • Uses the same timestamp per call if no time is provided in Prometheus Input Plugin
  4. PgBouncer Input (pgbouncer)
    • Fixed an issue with the PgBouncer Input Plugin for new versions of PgBouncer
  5. Ethtool Input (ethtool)
    • Supports up to 8192 stats
  6. SQLServer Input (sqlserver)
    • Fixed an issue with missing performance counters on named instances
  7. Prometheus Output (prometheus_client)
    • Uses addtime for prometheus expiration calculation

The binaries for the latest open-source release can be found on our downloads page.

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