Release Announcement: Telegraf 1.6.0, InfluxDB 1.5.2 & InfluxDB Enterprise 1.5.2

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A new feature bearing release for Telegraf is now available:

The binaries for the latest open source release can be found on our downloads page.

Many thanks to the more than 50 community members who contributed to this effort!

Key feature highlights from the release include:

New Plugins

  • Input Plugins
    • HTTP Input (http)
      • Collects metrics from one or more HTTP(S) endpoints in a specified format. This replaces the httpjson input as you can use this plugin with the json format specified.
    • Ipset Input (ipset)
    • NATS Monitoring (nats)
      • Gathers metrics from a NATS server monitoring endpoint
  • Processor Plugin
    • Override Processor (override)
      • Adds a way to override a plugin's tags or metrics naming conventions

New maintenance releases for InfluxDB and InfluxDB Enterprise are also now available:

If you have been using the TSI preview with InfluxDB Enterprise 1.3.6 or earlier 1.3.x releases, you will need to follow the upgrade steps. TSI is now a generally available feature – ready for production use. See more details here: Upgrading from previous versions

The binaries for the latest open source release can be found on our downloads page.

For our InfluxDB Enterprise customers, log in to the InfluxDB Enterprise portal and download the binaries from there.