Telegraf Configuration Migration

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In v1.30.0, Telegraf will remove a few long-standing deprecated plugins. These plugins have been deprecated for a number of years, and plugins with better support and configuration options now replace them. This version of Telegraf also removes a number of configuration options.

The full list of deprecated plugins includes:

  • inputs.cassandra
  • inputs.httpjson
  • inputs.jolokia
  • inputs.kafka_consumer_legacy
  • inputs.snmp_legacy
  • inputs.tcp_listener
  • inputs.udp_listener
  • outputs.riemann_legacy

Starting from v1.30.0 Telegraf will show an error message and stop running if any of the plugins or options are present in your configuration.

Migrating configurations

To assist users with adapting their configuration(s), Telegraf comes with a migration tool to help you replace deprecated plugins and options with new, maintained equivalents where possible.

To migrate your existing configuration in /etc/telegraf/telegraf.confand /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d` you can run

$ sudo telegraf config migrate

In case your configuration differs or you only want to migrate a specific file, use the --config and --config-directory options, e.g.:

$ telegraf  –config mytelegraf.conf –config-directory ~/telegraf.d config migrate

The command will load each configuration file, apply available migrations if needed and, in case any migration was applied, save the migrated configuration to a file with the .migrated file suffix in the same location.

Important notes

  • Please read the output of the migration command carefully! Some plugins cannot be converted automatically, or there is no drop-in replacement available. Those cases require a manual migration of the configuration. Furthermore, metric properties such as name, tag keys, or field key might change. The migration command will notify you ‌in those cases.
  • Please check the migrated configuration! The original configuration file _remains in place and unchanged_ by default. If the changes from the migration tool are OK, you should replace the config file manually.
  • The migration tool removes comments for migrated plugins and keeps comments for any untouched, unaffected plugins.


Head to our Downloads page to get the latest Telegraf release. If you find issues or have questions, please join our InfluxDB Community Slack, post them in our InfluxDB GitHub Repo, or our Community Site, and we will take a look.

InfluxDB University

Learn more about collecting data with Telegraf by taking the free InfluxDB University Data Collection with Telegraf course.

Call for testing

Please fill out this form if you are interested in being included in testing bug fixes and features for the plugins and systems you are using. Telegraf maintainers will tag you on pull requests to test artifacts. This will help us better address bugs that may arise after a release.