Telegraf 1.22.4 released with updates to Couchbase, Azure, Statsd, and Wavefront plugins

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This new maintenance release for Telegraf is available now.


Telegraf service now waits for network up in systemd packaging.

Input plugin updates

  • Couchbase Input
    • The plugin no longer assumes bucket stat metrics will all be the same length.
  • Statsd Input
    • We fixed an issue for the plugin to no longer error when closing a statsd network connection.

Output plugin updates

  • Azure Monitor Output
    • The plugin now checks for the context deadline error and will re-create the HTTP client if it is hit to fix a case where a network issue occurred and Telegraf never recovered from the downservice.
  • Wavefront Output
    • We fixed an error of an empty tag that if no host tag is provided, the plugin will not add a tag.


  • Updated from 1.1.4 to 1.1.5
  • Updated OpenTelemetry plugins to v0.51.0

Head to our Downloads page to get the latest Telegraf release. If you find issues or have questions, please join our InfluxDB Community Slack, post them in our InfluxDB GitHub Repo or our Community site, and we will take a look.

Please fill out this form if you are interested in being included in testing bug fixes and features for plugins and systems you are using. Telegraf maintainers will tag you on pull requests to test artifacts. This will help us better address bugs that may arise after a release.