Why a Time Series Database is a Key Operational Technology for the Enterprise: a Talk by Colin Breck of Tesla at InfluxDays NYC 2018

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Colin Breck has almost two decades of experience in developing time series infrastructures for the monitoring and control of industrial applications. At one time, he even worked on the PI System at OSIsoft, including the Time Series Database and publish-subscribe infrastructure. To say he knows a thing or two about time series is an understatement. Oh, and he writes monthly at blog.colinbreck.com which I found informative—especially the recent blogs on his experience with AKKA streams.

Here at InfluxData, we had the privilege to hear from Colin on his experiences with Time Series Databases in general, as well as how his team at Tesla use InfluxDB for the monitoring, aggregation, and control of distributed, renewable-energy assets. He is a great speaker, and I am pleased to share with you that he will be speaking at InfluxDays NYC 2018. His talk, “From a Time-Series Database to a Key Operational Technology for the Enterprise” will cover how Time Series Databases provide efficient storage, aggregation, and query of time series data. And because of this, it is important to consider them as critical infrastructure for operational intelligence, and not just another datastore.

Join us at InfluxDays NYC 2018 while tickets are still available at only $199—well worth it—and start thinking about what questions you might want to ask Colin in person.