Two InfluxDays NYC 2018 Workshops Presented by Our DevRel Team Member Katy Farmer

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Katy Farmer is one of our new DevRels that joined InfluxData at the end of 2017, and she has been busy answering your questions on Stack Overflow and our community site while deepening her coding skills that will one day land her a job as a sorcerer. We are thrilled to have her on board, and she has already done a great job with blog contributions such as these:

Plus, she brings to work her stash of sour patch kids and her cute dogs - how can we not like her!

At InfluxDays NYC 2018, Katy will be conducting two (yes two) sessions. In her first session, Installing the TICK Stack and Your First Query, where she will help you download the TICK Stack, get it up and running, load your first data and produce interesting graphs, alerts and notifications to Slack. And in her 2nd session, Writing Queries (InfluxQL and TICK), she will help you write your first queries using InfluxQL. Katy will then share best practices to help make your queries efficient and fast. She might even show you how to write some IFQL queries and she definitely will be bringing and sharing some sour patch kids as well!

If you register before the end of January, you will be able to secure an Early Registration price of only $199. We have also pulled together a list of nearby hotels and transportation options to help you get to the event, hassle-free!