Choosing the right database is a critical choice when building any software application. All databases have different strengths and weaknesses when it comes to performance, so deciding which database has the most benefits and the most minor downsides for your specific use case and data model is an important decision. Below you will find an overview of the key concepts, architecture, features, use cases, and pricing models of AWS DynamoDB and Apache Pinot so you can quickly see how they compare against each other.

The primary purpose of this article is to compare how AWS DynamoDB and Apache Pinot perform for workloads involving time series data, not for all possible use cases. Time series data typically presents a unique challenge in terms of database performance. This is due to the high volume of data being written and the query patterns to access that data. This article doesn’t intend to make the case for which database is better; it simply provides an overview of each database so you can make an informed decision.

AWS DynamoDB vs Apache Pinot Breakdown

Database Model

Key-value and document store

Columnar database


DynamoDB is a fully managed, serverless NoSQL database provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It uses a single-digit millisecond latency for high-performance use cases and supports both key-value and document data models. Data is partitioned and replicated across multiple availability zones within an AWS region, and DynamoDB supports eventual or strong consistency for read operations

Pinot can be deployed on-premises, in the cloud, or using a managed service


Closed source

Apache 2.0

Use Cases

Serverless web applications, real-time bidding platforms, gaming leaderboards, IoT data management, high-velocity data processing

Real-time analytics, OLAP, user behavior analytics, clickstream analysis, ad tech, log analytics


Automatically scales to handle large amounts of read and write throughput, supports on-demand capacity and auto-scaling, global tables for multi-region replication

Horizontally scalable, supports distributed architectures for high availability and performance

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AWS DynamoDB Overview

Amazon DynamoDB is a managed NoSQL database service provided by AWS. It was first introduced in 2012, and it was designed to provide low-latency, high-throughput performance. DynamoDB is built on the principles of the Dynamo paper, which was published by Amazon engineers in 2007, and it aims to offer a highly available, scalable, and distributed key-value store.

Apache Pinot Overview

Apache Pinot is a real-time distributed OLAP datastore, designed to answer complex analytical queries with low latency. It was initially developed at LinkedIn and later open-sourced in 2015. Pinot is well-suited for handling large-scale data and real-time analytics, providing near-instantaneous responses to complex queries on large datasets. It is used by several large organizations, such as LinkedIn, Microsoft, and Uber.

AWS DynamoDB for Time Series Data

DynamoDB can be used with time series data, although it may not be the most optimized solution compared to specialized time series databases. To store time series data in DynamoDB, you can use a composite primary key with a partition key for the entity identifier and a sort key for the timestamp. This allows you to efficiently query data for a specific entity and time range. However, DynamoDB’s main weakness when dealing with time series data is its lack of built-in support for data aggregation and downsampling, which are common requirements for time series analysis. You may need to perform these operations in your application or use additional services like AWS Lambda to process the data.

Apache Pinot for Time Series Data

Apache Pinot is a solid choice for working with time series data due to its columnar storage and real-time ingestion capabilities. Pinot’s ability to ingest data from streams like Apache Kafka ensures that time series data can be analyzed as it is being generated, in addition to having options for bulk ingesting data.

AWS DynamoDB Key Concepts

Some of the key terms and concepts specific to DynamoDB include:

  • Tables: In DynamoDB, data is stored in tables, which are containers for items. Each table has a primary key that uniquely identifies each item in the table.
  • Items: Items are individual records in a DynamoDB table, and they consist of one or more attributes.
  • Attributes: Attributes are key-value pairs that make up an item in a table. DynamoDB supports scalar, document, and set data types for attributes.
  • Primary Key: The primary key uniquely identifies each item in a table, and it can be either a single-attribute partition key or a composite partition-sort key.

Apache Pinot Key Concepts

  • Segment: A segment is the basic unit of data storage in Pinot. It is a columnar storage format that contains a subset of the table’s data.
  • Table: A table in Pinot is a collection of segments.
  • Controller: The controller manages the metadata and orchestrates data ingestion, query execution, and cluster management.
  • Broker: The broker is responsible for receiving queries, routing them to the appropriate servers, and returning the results to the client.
  • Server: The server stores segments and processes queries on those segments.

AWS DynamoDB Architecture

DynamoDB is a NoSQL database that uses a key-value store and document data model. It is designed to provide high availability, durability, and scalability by automatically partitioning data across multiple servers and using replication to ensure fault tolerance. Some of the main components of DynamoDB include:

  • Partitioning: DynamoDB automatically partitions data based on the partition key, which ensures that data is evenly distributed across multiple storage nodes.
  • Replication: DynamoDB replicates data across multiple availability zones within an AWS region, providing high availability and durability.
  • Consistency: DynamoDB offers two consistency models: eventual consistency and strong consistency, allowing you to choose the appropriate level of consistency for your application.

Apache Pinot Architecture

Pinot is a distributed, columnar datastore that uses a hybrid data model, combining features of both NoSQL and SQL databases. Its architecture consists of three main components: Controller, Broker, and Server. The Controller manages metadata and cluster operations, while Brokers handle query routing and Servers store and process data. Pinot’s columnar storage format enables efficient compression and quick query processing.

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AWS DynamoDB Features

Auto scaling

DynamoDB can automatically scale its read and write capacity based on the workload, allowing you to maintain consistent performance without over-provisioning resources.

Backup and restore

DynamoDB provides built-in support for point-in-time recovery, enabling you to restore your table to a previous state within the last 35 days.

Global tables

DynamoDB global tables enable you to replicate your table across multiple AWS regions, providing low-latency access and data redundancy for global applications.


DynamoDB Streams capture item-level modifications in your table and can be used to trigger AWS Lambda functions for real-time processing or to synchronize data with other AWS services.

Apache Pinot Features

Real-time Ingestion

Pinot supports real-time data ingestion from Kafka and other streaming sources, allowing for up-to-date analytics.


Pinot’s distributed architecture and partitioning capabilities enable horizontal scaling to handle large datasets and high query loads.

Low-latency Query Processing

Pinot’s columnar storage format and various performance optimizations allow for near-instantaneous responses to complex queries.

AWS DynamoDB Use Cases

Session management

DynamoDB can be used to store session data for web applications, providing fast and scalable access to session information.


DynamoDB can be used to store player data, game state, and other game-related information for online games, providing low-latency and high-throughput performance.

Internet of Things

DynamoDB can be used to store and process sensor data from IoT devices, enabling real-time monitoring and analysis of device data.

Apache Pinot Use Cases

Real-time Analytics

Pinot is designed to support real-time analytics, making it suitable for use cases that require up-to-date insights on large-scale data, such as monitoring and alerting systems, fraud detection, and recommendation engines.

Ad Tech and User Analytics

Apache Pinot is often used in the advertising technology and user analytics space, where low-latency, high-concurrency analytics are crucial for understanding user behavior, optimizing ad campaigns, and personalizing user experiences.

Anomaly Detection and Monitoring

Pinot’s real-time analytics capabilities make it suitable for anomaly detection and monitoring use cases, enabling users to identify unusual patterns or trends in their data and take corrective action as needed.

AWS DynamoDB Pricing Model

DynamoDB offers two pricing options: provisioned capacity and on-demand capacity. With provisioned capacity, you specify the number of reads and writes per second that you expect your application to require, and you are charged based on the amount of provisioned capacity. This pricing model is suitable for applications with predictable traffic or gradually ramping traffic. You can use auto scaling to adjust your table’s capacity automatically based on the specified utilization rate, ensuring application performance while reducing costs.

On the other hand, with on-demand capacity, you pay per request for the data reads and writes your application performs on your tables. You do not need to specify how much read and write throughput you expect your application to perform, as DynamoDB instantly accommodates your workloads as they ramp up or down. This pricing model is suitable for applications with fluctuating or unpredictable traffic patterns.

Apache Pinot Pricing Model

As an open-source project, Apache Pinot is free to use. However, organizations may incur costs related to hardware, infrastructure, and support when deploying and managing a Pinot cluster. There are no specific pricing options or deployment models tied to Apache Pinot itself.