Choosing the right database is a critical choice when building any software application. All databases have different strengths and weaknesses when it comes to performance, so deciding which database has the most benefits and the most minor downsides for your specific use case and data model is an important decision. Below you will find an overview of the key concepts, architecture, features, use cases, and pricing models of InfluxDB and AWS DynamoDB so you can quickly see how they compare against each other.

The primary purpose of this article is to compare how InfluxDB and AWS DynamoDB perform for workloads involving time series data, not for all possible use cases. Time series data typically presents a unique challenge in terms of database performance. This is due to the high volume of data being written and the query patterns to access that data. This article doesn’t intend to make the case for which database is better; it simply provides an overview of each database so you can make an informed decision.

InfluxDB vs AWS DynamoDB Breakdown

Database Model

Time Series Database

Key-value and document store


Cloud native architecture that can be used as a managed cloud service or self-managed on your own hardware locally

DynamoDB is a fully managed, serverless NoSQL database provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It uses a single-digit millisecond latency for high-performance use cases and supports both key-value and document data models. Data is partitioned and replicated across multiple availability zones within an AWS region, and DynamoDB supports eventual or strong consistency for read operations



Closed source

Use Cases

Monitoring, observability, IoT, real-time analytics

Serverless web applications, real-time bidding platforms, gaming leaderboards, IoT data management, high-velocity data processing


Horizontally scalable with decoupled storage and compute with InfluxDB 3.0 delivers up to 90% reduced storage costs( benchmarks )

Automatically scales to handle large amounts of read and write throughput, supports on-demand capacity and auto-scaling, global tables for multi-region replication

Looking for the most efficient way to get started?

Whether you are looking for cost savings, lower management overhead, or open source, InfluxDB can help.

InfluxDB Overview

InfluxDB is a high-performance, time series database capable of storing any form of time series data, such as metrics, events, logs and traces. InfluxDB is developed by InfluxData and first released in 2013. InfluxDB is an open source database written in Go, with a focus on performance, scalability, and developer productivity. The database is optimized for handling time series data at scale, making it a popular choice for use cases involving monitoring performance metrics, IoT data, and real-time analytics.

InfluxDB 3.0 is the newest version of InfluxDB, currently available in InfluxDB Cloud Serverless and InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated. Built in Rust, a modern programming language designed for performance, safety, and memory management. InfluxDB also features a decoupled architecture that allows compute and storage to be scaled independently. InfluxDB 3.0 provides query support for both SQL and InfluxQL (custom SQL-like query language with added support for time-based functions).

AWS DynamoDB Overview

Amazon DynamoDB is a managed NoSQL database service provided by AWS. It was first introduced in 2012, and it was designed to provide low-latency, high-throughput performance. DynamoDB is built on the principles of the Dynamo paper, which was published by Amazon engineers in 2007, and it aims to offer a highly available, scalable, and distributed key-value store.

InfluxDB for Time Series Data

InfluxDB is specifically designed for time series data, making it well-suited for applications that involve tracking and analyzing data points over time. It excels in scenarios where data is being written continuously at high volumes while users also require the ability to query that data quickly after ingest for monitoring and real time analytics use cases.

AWS DynamoDB for Time Series Data

DynamoDB can be used with time series data, although it may not be the most optimized solution compared to specialized time series databases. To store time series data in DynamoDB, you can use a composite primary key with a partition key for the entity identifier and a sort key for the timestamp. This allows you to efficiently query data for a specific entity and time range. However, DynamoDB’s main weakness when dealing with time series data is its lack of built-in support for data aggregation and downsampling, which are common requirements for time series analysis. You may need to perform these operations in your application or use additional services like AWS Lambda to process the data.

InfluxDB Key Concepts

  • Columnar storage: InfluxDB stores data in a column-oriented format, using Parquet for persistent file storage and Apache Arrow as the in-memory representation of data. Columnar storage results in better data compression and faster queries for analytics workloads.
  • Data Model: The InfluxDB data model will be familiar to anyone who has worked with other database systems. At the highest level are buckets, which are similar to what other systems call databases. InfluxDB measurements are synonymous with tables. Specific data points for a measurement contain tags and values. Tags are used as part of the primary key for querying data and should be used for identifying information used for filtering during queries. InfluxDB is schemaless so new fields can be added without requiring migrations or modifying a schema.
  • Integrations: InfluxDB is built to be flexible and fit into your application’s architecture. One key aspect of this is the many ways InfluxDB makes it easy to read and write data. To start, all database functionality can be accessed via HTTP API or with the InfluxDB CLI. For writing data InfluxDB created Telegraf, a tool that can collect data from hundreds of different sources via plugins and write that data to InfluxDB. Client libraries are also available for the most popular programming languages to allow writing and querying data.
  • Decoupled architecture: InfluxDB 3.0 features a decoupled architecture which allows query compute, data ingestion, and storage to be scaled independently. This allows InfluxDB to be fine-tuned for your use case and results in significant cost savings.
  • Query Languages: InfluxDB can be queried using standard SQL or InfluxQL, an SQL dialect with a number of specialized functions useful for working with time series data.
  • Retention Policies: InfluxDB allows you to define retention policies that determine how long data is stored before being automatically deleted. This is useful for managing the storage of high volume time series data.

AWS DynamoDB Key Concepts

Some of the key terms and concepts specific to DynamoDB include:

  • Tables: In DynamoDB, data is stored in tables, which are containers for items. Each table has a primary key that uniquely identifies each item in the table.
  • Items: Items are individual records in a DynamoDB table, and they consist of one or more attributes.
  • Attributes: Attributes are key-value pairs that make up an item in a table. DynamoDB supports scalar, document, and set data types for attributes.
  • Primary Key: The primary key uniquely identifies each item in a table, and it can be either a single-attribute partition key or a composite partition-sort key.

InfluxDB Architecture

At a high level, InfluxDB’s architecture is designed to optimize storage and query performance for time series data. The exact architecture of InfluxDB will vary slightly depending on the version and how you deploy InfluxDB.

InfluxDB 3.0’s architecture can be broken down into four key components that operate almost independently from each other, allowing for InfluxDB to be extremely flexible in terms of configuration. These components are are data ingest, data querying, data compaction, and garbage collection. Data is written via the ingesters with millisecond latency. This data can be queried almost immediately by the data queriers while in the background the compactor takes the newly written data files and combines them into larger files that will be sent to object storage. The garbage collector is responsible for data retention and space reclamations by scheduling soft and hard deletion of data.

They key part of InfluxDB’s architecture is the separation of the ingest and query components, which allows each to be scaled independently depending on the current write and query workload. The querier being able to seamlessly pull in recently written data from the ingesters as well as from object storage allows data to be stored cheaply without increasing query latency.

AWS DynamoDB Architecture

DynamoDB is a NoSQL database that uses a key-value store and document data model. It is designed to provide high availability, durability, and scalability by automatically partitioning data across multiple servers and using replication to ensure fault tolerance. Some of the main components of DynamoDB include:

  • Partitioning: DynamoDB automatically partitions data based on the partition key, which ensures that data is evenly distributed across multiple storage nodes.
  • Replication: DynamoDB replicates data across multiple availability zones within an AWS region, providing high availability and durability.
  • Consistency: DynamoDB offers two consistency models: eventual consistency and strong consistency, allowing you to choose the appropriate level of consistency for your application.

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InfluxDB Features

High-performance storage and querying

InfluxDB is optimized for time series data, providing high-performance storage and querying capabilities. In terms of storage InfluxDB is able to scale effortlessly due to its decoupled architecture. Object storage is used to persist data and query nodes can be scaled independently to improve query performance and capacity.

Compared to previous versions of InfluxDB, the newly released InfluxDB 3.0 compresses data 4.5x more effectively and queries are 2.5-45x faster depending on the type of query.

Retention policies

InfluxDB allows users to define retention policies that automatically delete data points after a specified duration. This feature helps manage data storage costs and ensures that only relevant data is retained.

Data compression

InfluxDB’s storage engine automatically compacts data on disk, reducing storage requirements and improving query performance. With InfluxDB 3.0 data is stored using the Parquet file format to get even higher compression ratios on time series data.

Horizontal scaling and clustering

InfluxDB supports horizontal scaling and clustering, allowing users to distribute data across multiple nodes for increased performance and fault tolerance.

Data tiering

InfluxDB 3.0 is able to seamlessly move data from cheap object storage into faster storage for low latency queries without expensive SSD or high amounts of RAM utilization. This allows users to store data for longer at higher frequencies while still saving in storage costs.

AWS DynamoDB Features

Auto scaling

DynamoDB can automatically scale its read and write capacity based on the workload, allowing you to maintain consistent performance without over-provisioning resources.

Backup and restore

DynamoDB provides built-in support for point-in-time recovery, enabling you to restore your table to a previous state within the last 35 days.

Global tables

DynamoDB global tables enable you to replicate your table across multiple AWS regions, providing low-latency access and data redundancy for global applications.


DynamoDB Streams capture item-level modifications in your table and can be used to trigger AWS Lambda functions for real-time processing or to synchronize data with other AWS services.

InfluxDB Use Cases

Monitoring and alerting

InfluxDB is widely used for monitoring and alerting purposes, as it can efficiently store and process time series data generated by various systems, applications, and devices. With its high-performance query engine and integration with visualization tools like Grafana, users can create real-time dashboards and set up alerts based on specific conditions or thresholds.

IoT data storage and analysis

Due to its high write and query performance, InfluxDB is an ideal choice for storing and analyzing IoT data generated by sensors, devices, and applications. Users can leverage InfluxDB’s scalability and retention policies to manage large volumes of time series data, and use its powerful query languages to gain insights into the IoT ecosystem.

Real-time analytics

InfluxDB’s performance and flexibility make it suitable for real-time analytics use cases, such as tracking user behavior, monitoring application performance, and analyzing financial data. With its support for InfluxQL and SQL, users can perform complex data analysis and aggregation in real-time, enabling them to make data-driven decisions.

AWS DynamoDB Use Cases

Session management

DynamoDB can be used to store session data for web applications, providing fast and scalable access to session information.


DynamoDB can be used to store player data, game state, and other game-related information for online games, providing low-latency and high-throughput performance.

Internet of Things

DynamoDB can be used to store and process sensor data from IoT devices, enabling real-time monitoring and analysis of device data.

InfluxDB Pricing Model

InfluxDB offers several pricing options, including a free open source version, a cloud-based offering, and an enterprise edition for on-premises deployment:

  • InfluxDB Cloud Serverless: InfluxDB Cloud Serverless is a managed, cloud-based offering with a pay-as-you-go pricing model. It provides additional features, such as monitoring, alerting, and data visualization. InfluxDB Cloud is available across all major cloud providers.
  • InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated - This is a managed cloud solution that provides an isolated InfluxDB instance on dedicated hardware for use cases that require isolation or benefit from being able to specify and fine-tune hardware configuration.
  • InfluxDB Enterprise: On-prem solution with enterprise features for security and support for clustering and other horizontal scaling options.
  • InfluxDB Open Source: The open source version of InfluxDB is free to use and provides the core functionality of the database.

AWS DynamoDB Pricing Model

DynamoDB offers two pricing options: provisioned capacity and on-demand capacity. With provisioned capacity, you specify the number of reads and writes per second that you expect your application to require, and you are charged based on the amount of provisioned capacity. This pricing model is suitable for applications with predictable traffic or gradually ramping traffic. You can use auto scaling to adjust your table’s capacity automatically based on the specified utilization rate, ensuring application performance while reducing costs.

On the other hand, with on-demand capacity, you pay per request for the data reads and writes your application performs on your tables. You do not need to specify how much read and write throughput you expect your application to perform, as DynamoDB instantly accommodates your workloads as they ramp up or down. This pricing model is suitable for applications with fluctuating or unpredictable traffic patterns.