Choosing the right database is a critical choice when building any software application. All databases have different strengths and weaknesses when it comes to performance, so deciding which database has the most benefits and the most minor downsides for your specific use case and data model is an important decision. Below you will find an overview of the key concepts, architecture, features, use cases, and pricing models of Mimir and TimescaleDB so you can quickly see how they compare against each other.

The primary purpose of this article is to compare how Mimir and TimescaleDB perform for workloads involving time series data, not for all possible use cases. Time series data typically presents a unique challenge in terms of database performance. This is due to the high volume of data being written and the query patterns to access that data. This article doesn’t intend to make the case for which database is better; it simply provides an overview of each database so you can make an informed decision.

Mimir vs TimescaleDB Breakdown

Database Model

Time series database

Time Series Database


Grafana Mimir is a time series database designed for high-performance, real-time monitoring, and analytics. It features a distributed architecture, allowing for horizontal scaling across multiple nodes to handle large volumes of data and queries. It can be deployed on-prem due to being open source or as a managed solution hosted by Grafana

TimescaleDB is built on top of PostgreSQL and inherits its architecture. It extends PostgreSQL with time-series-specific optimizations and functions, allowing it to manage time series data efficiently. It can be deployed as a single node, in a multi-node setup, or in the cloud as a managed service.


APGL 3.0

Timescale License (for TimescaleDB Community Edition); Apache 2.0 (for core PostgreSQL)

Use Cases

Monitoring, observability, IoT

Monitoring, observability, IoT, real-time analytics, financial market data


Horizontally scalable

Horizontally scalable through native support for partitioning, replication, and sharding. Offers multi-node capabilities for distributing data and queries across nodes.

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Mimir Overview

Grafana Mimir is an open-source software project that provides a scalable long-term storage solution for Prometheus. Started at Grafana Labs and announced in 2022, Grafana Mimir aims to become the most scalable and performant open-source time series database for metrics. The project incorporates the knowledge and experience gained by Grafana Labs engineers from running Grafana Enterprise Metrics and Grafana Cloud Metrics at massive scale.

TimescaleDB Overview

TimescaleDB is an open source time series database built on top of PostgreSQL. It was created to address the challenges of managing time series data, such as scalability, query performance, and data retention policies. TimescaleDB was first released in 2017 and has since become a popular choice for storing and analyzing time series data due to its PostgreSQL compatibility, performance optimizations, and flexible data retention policies.

Mimir for Time Series Data

Grafana Mimir is well-suited for handling time series data, making it a suitable choice for scenarios involving metric storage and analysis. It provides long-term storage capabilities for Prometheus, a popular open-source monitoring and alerting system. With Grafana Mimir, users can store and query time series metrics over extended periods, allowing for historical analysis and trend detection. It is especially useful for applications that require scalable and performant storage of time series data for metrics monitoring and observability purposes.

TimescaleDB for Time Series Data

TimescaleDB is specifically designed for time series data, making it a natural choice for storing and querying such data. It provides several advantages for time series data management like horizontal scalability, columnar storage, and retention policy support. However, TimescaleDB may not be the best choice for all time series use cases. One example would be if an application requires very high write throughput or real-time analytics, other specialized time series databases like InfluxDB may be more suitable.

Mimir Key Concepts

  • Metrics: In Grafana Mimir, metrics represent the measurements or observations tracked over time. They can include various types of data, such as system metrics, application performance metrics, or sensor data.
  • Long-term Storage: Grafana Mimir provides a storage solution specifically tailored for long-term retention of time series data, allowing users to store and query historical metrics over extended periods.
  • Microservices: Grafana Mimir adopts a microservices-based architecture, where the system consists of multiple horizontally scalable microservices that can operate independently and in parallel.

TimescaleDB Key Concepts

  • Hypertable: A hypertable is a distributed table that is partitioned by time and possibly other dimensions, such as device ID or location. It is the primary abstraction for storing time series data in TimescaleDB and is designed to scale horizontally across multiple nodes.
  • Chunk: A chunk is a partition of a hypertable, containing a subset of the hypertable’s data. Chunks are created automatically by TimescaleDB based on a specified time interval and can be individually compressed, indexed, and backed up for better performance and data management.
  • Distributed Hypertables: For large-scale deployments, TimescaleDB supports distributed hypertables, which partition data across multiple nodes for improved query performance and fault tolerance.

Mimir Architecture

Grafana Mimir adopts a microservices-based architecture, where the system comprises multiple horizontally scalable microservices. These microservices can operate independently and in parallel, allowing for efficient distribution of workload and scalability. Grafana Mimir’s components are compiled into a single binary, providing a unified and cohesive system. The architecture is designed to be highly available and multi-tenant, enabling multiple users and applications to utilize the database concurrently. This distributed architecture ensures scalability and resilience in handling large-scale metric storage and retrieval scenarios.

TimescaleDB Architecture

TimescaleDB is an extension built on PostgreSQL, inheriting its relational data model and SQL support. However, TimescaleDB extends PostgreSQL with custom data structures and optimizations for time series data, such as hypertables and chunks.

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Mimir Features


Grafana Mimir is designed to scale horizontally, enabling the system to handle growing data volumes and increasing workloads. Its horizontally scalable microservices architecture allows for seamless expansion and improved performance.

High Availability

Grafana Mimir provides high availability by ensuring redundancy and fault tolerance. It allows for replication and distribution of data across multiple nodes, ensuring data durability and continuous availability of stored metrics.

Long-term Storage

Grafana Mimir offers a dedicated solution for long-term storage of time series metrics. It provides efficient storage and retrieval mechanisms, allowing users to retain and analyze historical metric data over extended periods.

TimescaleDB Features


TimescaleDB automatically partitions time series data tables using hypertables and chunks, which simplifies data management and improves query performance.

Time series focused SQL functions

TimescaleDB provides several specialized SQL functions and operators for time series data application scenarios, such as time_bucket, first, and last, which simplify querying and aggregating time series data.

Query optimization

As mentioned earlier, TimescaleDB extends PostgreSQL’s query planner for writing and querying time series data, including optimizations like time-based indexing and chunk pruning.

Mimir Use Cases

Metrics Monitoring and Observability

Grafana Mimir is well-suited for monitoring and observability use cases. It enables the storage and analysis of time series metrics, allowing users to monitor the performance, health, and behavior of their systems and applications in real-time.

Long Term Metric Storage

With its focus on providing scalable long-term storage, Grafana Mimir is ideal for applications that require retaining and analyzing historical metric data over extended periods. It allows users to store and query large volumes of time series data generated by Prometheus.

Trend and anomaly detection

By using Mimir for storing long term historical data it can be useful for detecting trends in your metrics and also for comparing current metrics to historical data to detect outliers and anomalies

TimescaleDB Use Cases

Monitoring and metrics

TimescaleDB is well-suited for storing and analyzing monitoring and metrics data, such as server performance metrics, application logs, and sensor data. Its hypertable structure and query optimizations make it easy to store, query, and visualize large volumes of time series data.

IoT data storage

TimescaleDB can be used to store and analyze IoT data, such as sensor readings and device status information. Its support for automatic partitioning and specialized SQL interfaces simplifies the management and querying of large-scale IoT datasets.

Financial data

TimescaleDB is suitable for storing and analyzing financial data, such as stock prices, exchange rates, and trading volumes. Its query optimizations and specialized SQL functions make it easy to perform time-based aggregations and analyze trends in financial data.

Mimir Pricing Model

Grafana Mimir is an open-source project, which means it is freely available for usage and does not require any licensing fees. Users can download the source code and deploy Grafana Mimir on their own infrastructure without incurring direct costs. However, it’s important to consider the operational costs associated with hosting and maintaining the database infrastructure.

TimescaleDB Pricing Model

TimescaleDB is available in two editions: TimescaleDB Open Source and TimescaleDB Cloud. The open-source edition is free to use and can be self-hosted, while the cloud edition is a managed service with a pay-as-you-go pricing model based on storage, compute, and data transfer usage. TimescaleDB Cloud offers various pricing tiers with different levels of resources and features, such as continuous backups and high availability.