InfluxDB Cloud Pricing FAQ

Understanding InfluxDB Cloud usage, billing, and pricing.


Where is InfluxDB Cloud available?

Currently, InfluxDB Cloud multi-tenant is available from the following providers in the indicated regions:
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS): US West (Oregon), US East (Virginia), Europe (Frankfurt)
  • Azure: East US (Virginia), West Europe (Amsterdam)
  • Google Cloud Platform: US Central (Iowa)
If you require other cloud providers or regions, please fill out this form.

InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated is available from the following providers in the indicated regions:

Amazon Web Services (AWS): US West (Oregon), US West (California), US East (Ohio), US East (Virginia), Canada (Montreal), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Dublin), Europe (London), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney). Contact Us to learn more about InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated.

How does Usage-Based pricing work for InfluxDB Cloud?

Pricing is based on your usage of InfluxDB Cloud. There are no upfront costs or long-term commitments, and you pay only for what you use. Your monthly usage is calculated based on the following four vectors:
  • Data In: The total amount of uncompressed data ingested (measured in MB) in InfluxDB Cloud via line protocol, the API, the client libraries, or Telegraf.
  • Query Count: The total count of individual query executions as generated by Dashboards, Tasks, Alerts, Data Explorer, etc. Measured in queries per month.
  • Storage (GB-hour): The amount of storage, measured in GB-hour, consumed by data retained in your InfluxDB Cloud account. For example, 10 GB stored for one hour, and 1 GB stored for 10 hours, are both counted as 10 GB-hours.
  • Data Out: the total volume of data returned to the user in response to queries (measured in GB per month).

How can I track my usage and my monthly accrued charges?

You can track your total accrued charges calendar by going to the Usage page and clicking on the Billing link within InfluxDB Cloud. You can also review your usage history for all usage vectors for the past 24 hours, 7 days, and 30 days.

How is a query execution defined?

A query execution is broadly defined as the total number of individual queries, tasks, alert checks, and data explorer activities. More specifically, it is the total number of API requests coming into InfluxDB Cloud. This can include, but is not limited to, explicit query requests from:
Query executions include queries run both in Flux and in InfluxQL.

How is the Query Count vector counted?

Query Count is based on the total number of individual query executions generated by the activities above. For example, an Alert Check running every 5 minutes will incur 288 billable query executions per day and 8,640 query executions in a 30-day month.

When does my billing cycle start and end?

Billing cycles correspond to calendar months. You will be billed early in the following calendar month for the usage incurred during the previous calendar month. If you activate the Usage-Based Plan option in the middle of a month, your billing cycle will start on that day and end on the last day of that calendar month.

What if my payment is late or doesn't go through?

Here is what you can expect if you fail to make payments on your account:

What to expect

After first credit card decline After the first decline against your credit card, we will perform up to two retries to charge the card provided on the account over 72 hours. During this period, you can update your payment method from the billing page to process your payment successfully without disrupting your service.
7 days after first credit card decline (or after three credit card declines) We will disable all operations to your account except data writes. Your data writes will continue functioning, but your dashboards, tasks, etc., will fail. During this period, you can update your payment method from the billing page at any time to successfully process your payment and re-enable normal operations.
14 days after your first credit card decline We will completely disable your account, including data writes. During this period, you must contact us at [email protected] to complete the successful processing of your payment and re-enable normal operations.
After 21 days from your first credit card decline Your account will be suspended for non-payment. You must settle your final bill before we allow you to get a copy of your data. Contact us at [email protected] to settle your final bill and get the last backup of your data.

Can I pause or cancel my InfluxDB Cloud service?

To cancel your service, please contact [email protected]. Your payment method will be charged immediately upon cancellation of the service. You can also pause the service as well as request a backup of your data.
Self-Service Pause
You can stop sending all of your writes and queries to the InfluxDB Cloud service at any time and halt incurring additional charges (if applicable). However, you will continue to pay for storage. If you do not require a data backup, you can delete the buckets associated with your account to prevent additional charges.
Backup of Data
If you require a backup of your data upon cancellation of your service, your bill will be prorated from the time of service cancellation to ensure that you only pay for what you used. As part of your cancellation request, please indicate if you would like a backup of your data and our support team will coordinate delivery.

Free Plan

What is InfluxDB Cloud Free Plan?

The InfluxDB Cloud Free Plan allows you to try out all the features and capabilities of InfluxDB Cloud service up to the allowed service quota limits. Free Plan accounts have the following service quotas (rate limits):
  • Writes: 5MB every 5 minutes
  • Tasks & Queries: 300MB every 5 minutes
  • Storage: 30 days of retention
  • Cardinality: Up to 10,000 series
  • Alerting: 2 alert checks and 2 notification rules
  • Also, you can create up to:
    • 5 dashboards
    • 5 tasks
    • 2 databases to store your time series data

Will my InfluxDB Cloud Free Plan expire?

Feel free to explore our InfluxDB Cloud Free Plan offering for as long as you want. However, your account may be closed if we do not detect activity (Writes or Tasks & Queries is Zero (0)) for more than 30 days. We will send you a notification via email before your account is closed.

Usage-Based Plan

What should I expect in terms of service quotas when I switch to Usage-Based Plan?

As soon as you switch to the Usage-Based Plan, most of the Free Plan's resource constraints are removed. However, to protect the service against intentional or unintentional harm, there are some soft limits. These are the default limits:
  • You can create:
    • Unlimited dashboards
    • Unlimited tasks
    • Unlimited alert checks and notification rules
    • Unlimited data retention
    • Unlimited databases
    • Unlimited users
    • Up to 1,000,000 series (cardinality)
  • Writes: 300 MB every 5 minutes
  • Tasks & Queries: 3000 MB every 5 minutes
  • Storage: unlimited retention
You can request a higher service quota by contacting [email protected].
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