InfluxData collects information about the usage of InfluxDB. This “phone home” capability is intended to provide us with information about the broader user community and an understanding of how the platform is being used. These statistics are never shared with anyone else and help us make better decisions about product features, supportability and more. Ultimately, sharing these metrics with us can help us better understand how you use our product and can help us improve the product over time.

Some people may feel uncomfortable about such telemetry data being gathered, so we want to be as transparent as possible about the information being captured and about how to ‘opt-out’, if you so choose.

Disabling Telemetry

Telemetry reporting is enabled by default. However, we’ve made it as easy as possible to ‘opt-out’ of the reporting. Simply start the InfluxDB process with the --reporting-disabled flag.

You can see the specific command in our documentation.

Metrics Collection

For each InfluxDB 2.x installation, we collect the following at startup and then every 8 hours:

Tags Description
arch Microarchitecture InfluxDB was compiled for
build date Date associated with the InfluxDB build
commit SHA of commit associated with the InfluxDB build
cpus Number of CPUs running InfluxDB
functions Flux functions
id Snowflake identifier for the InfluxDB instance
Index partition Identifies the index partition used by the underlying InfluxDB storage engine
ip IP Address of the inbound connection which reports the statistics. This is not  the specific IP Address of the machine running InfluxDB unless it is exposed directly on the public Internet.
org Identifier for an organization. Allows for grouping of statistics by organization within the InfluxDB instance
os Operating System InfluxDB is running on
result Text allowing grouping of Flux query invocations results
series file partition Identifies the series files in use for the underlying InfluxDB storage engine. This is not the metadata about series.
status Status of write ahead log (associated to number of successful /failed writes)
user_agent Typically, this is set by the browser, InfluxDB client libraries (includes the language [Go, JavaScript, Java, C#, Ruby, Python, etc.] and version), and other technologies [such as third-party dashboarding applications, etc.].
version InfluxDB version

With those tag elements, we then leverage a combination of the unique combination of id, ip, and storage system specifics (where applicable) to capture usage counts of the various subsystems within InfluxDB.

Fields Description
buckets total counter Total number of buckets present within the InfluxDB instance
bytes written counter Total number of bytes written
bytes scanned counter Total number of bytes scanned within the storage system via queries and tasks
dashboards total counter Total number of dashboards present within the InfluxDB instance
flux function total counter Total number of calls by function invoked within Flux
http api requests counter Total number of API invocations by each API path
query duration histogram Histogram counting duration of queries into bins
organizations total counter Total number of organizations present within the InfluxDB instance
scrapers total counter Total number of scrapers configured within the InfluxDB instance
series total counter Total number of series present within the InfluxDB instance
storage total counter Total number of bytes stored within the InfluxDB instance
task scheduler gauge Number of tasks running within the InfluxDB instance
telegrafs total counter Total number of Telegraf configurations within the InfluxDB instance
tokens total counter Total number of tokens present within the InfluxDB instance
uptime gauge Number of seconds InfluxDB has been continuously running
users total counter Total number of users present within the InfluxDB instance
wal current segment gauge Number of bytes in the current segments for the write ahead log
wal writes total counter Total number of writes to the write ahead log by status (ok, fail, etc.)