Announcement: InfluxDays EMEA 2021 Call for Papers is open!

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InfluxDays EMEA 2021- Call for Papers

We’re pleased to announce that InfluxDays EMEA 2021 Virtual Experience will be held on May 18-19, 2021 and the call for papers is open! InfluxDays is an event focused on the impact of time series data. Attendees gain first-hand knowledge – from InfluxDB community members and from InfluxData’s team  – about time series applications and use cases.

What is InfluxDays?

InfluxDays is an event which includes training, on-demand sessions and live keynotes. We have users around the world, and we hold at least two annual conferences to accommodate our amazing community. By attending, you’ll discover why time series databases continue to be the fastest growing database segment providing real-time observability, and you’ll learn more about InfluxDB, the purpose-built time series database designed to handle massive volumes of time-stamped data. In addition to this free conference, attendees can purchase a spot to attend the Flux Training. Check out last year’s conference sessions and speaker lineups.

Time to submit your abstracts

Call for Papers for InfluxDays EMEA 2021 is now open – now’s the time to submit your talk and get ahead of the queue! Join us to share your time series use case, technical expertise and to inspire the open source community. Each confirmed speaker will have a 30-50 minute time slot, which will include live Q&A time with the audience.

InfluxDays EMEA 2021 Virtual Experience will have a mix of live speakers and pre-recorded on-demand sessions. All speakers will be given the opportunity to have their presentations reviewed by the InfluxData team. We’re there to help you through the entire process including: presentation reviews, perfecting your virtual background, the recording/live session and Q&A.

Every live session will have Q&A time. For on-demand speakers, you will be invited to join the live conference and all conversations. We encourage all attendees to reach out with their questions. Don’t worry – the InfluxDB community isn’t shy and won’t hesitate to ask! All talks will be recorded and made available on YouTube after the conference. SlideShare presentations will be available afterwards as well.

We’re looking for speakers to highlight their use cases, technical talks, and demos focused on the InfluxDB platform. For example, here are a few past topics that were selected:

To view more examples of topics presented, visit the InfluxDays Past Events tab.

Why you'll want to speak at InfluxDays

InfluxDays speaker testimonials

Over the years, we’ve had some amazing speakers at InfluxDays. Here’s what a few of them have to say about being an InfluxDays speaker.

“We are passionate about building at Ockam. It’s great to see the enthusiasm and creativity in the InfluxData community around building. We find that all of the positive energy around InfluxDays inspires us to keep building for builders.”
-  Mrinal Wadhwa | InfluxDays 2020 speaker

“I have been a massive fan of InfluxDB since we started using it back in 2015. It has been my go-to database engine for anything time-series related since. So it was a delight and privilege having the opportunity to speak at InfluxDays. I love sharing our solutions to some of the unique problems we have tackled in rail and public transit. During my session, the questions I received were encouraging and indicated that the audience also found the problems interesting. I’m looking forward to sharing more of our projects down the road.”
- Jeremy Foran | InfluxDays 2020 speaker

“InfluxDays, as an attendee, is an awesome conference where you can get all the latest news on the InfluxData products (all the added features since previous InfluxDays and the features for the coming years) and the related ecosystem and partners. You also have the opportunity to discover and learn about products or features that you may not know about. You can also have some deep dive on some products. Last but not least, you can get insights from customers with interesting use cases and feedback from the trenches. Bonus when you can network with people, meet them and share experiences.”
- Nicolas Steinmetz | InfluxDays 2020 speaker

“Speaking at InfluxDays gave me the awesome opportunity to share both external use cases for network and system monitoring and observability, and internal use cases for collecting and visualizing product usage data. The crowd was super engaging, follow up conversations sparked some great ideas, and I was even awarded my InfluxAce designation on stage! Being a speaker provides you all the amazing perks as an attendee too, so you are free to attend every session and absorb all the information in a safe and collaborative environment. You also get the opportunity to network with conference attendees, speakers and Influxers!”
- Nikki Cornell | InfluxDays 2019 speaker

“I knew InfluxDays would provide a great opportunity to learn about where InfluxDB is heading, but I didn’t know it was going to be such a great time. Meeting Influxers and community members and networking was invaluable.”
- Sanket Naik | InfluxDays 2018 speaker

Submit your InfluxDays abstract today! You might become our next selected speaker.