InfluxData Blog

The platform for building time series applications in less time with less code.



DZone | InfluxDB vs. Elasticsearch for Time Series Analysis

Publication: DZone / Database Zone Title: InfluxDB vs. Elasticsearch for Time Series Analysis Author: Daniel Berman Abstract: This DZone article, by Daniel Berman, compares InfluxDB with Elasticsearch for the analysis of time series data. Berman begins by defining time series data and proceeds...


Linux Journal | InfluxData

Publication: Linux Journal Title: InfluxData Author: James Gray Abstract: This powerful review of InfluxData, by Linux Journal’s Products Editor James Gray, touches on the essence of InfluxData’s value proposition as the platform built from the ground up for metrics and events, for handling “ephemeral”...


The New Stack | OpenTracing: An Open Standard for Distributed Tracing

Publication: The New Stack Title: OpenTracing: An Open Standard for Distributed Tracing Author: Gianluca Arbezzano Abstract: In this blog post, InfluxData’s Gianluca Arbezzano provides an overview of OpenTracing, its theoretical foundations, and its practical applications in the context of today’s growing adoption of modern distributed...

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