InfluxData Blog

The platform for building time series applications in less time with less code.

Release Notes

Samantha Wang

Release Announcement: Telegraf 1.14.1

A new maintenance release for Telegraf is available now. Telegraf 1.14.1  release notes This maintenance release of Telegraf includes improvements to the following plugins: SQLServer Input (sqlserver) Fixed a PerformanceCounter query performance degradation in the SQLServer Input Plugin PHP-FPM Input (phpfpm) Fixed the status...

Samantha Wang

Release Announcement: Telegraf 1.14.0

A new feature-bearing release for Telegraf is now available: Telegraf 1.14.0  release notes The binaries for the latest open source release can be found on our downloads page. Many thanks to the 60+ open source community members who contributed to this effort! Key...

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