InfluxData Blog

The platform for building time series applications in less time with less code.

Release Notes

Samantha Wang

Release Announcement: Telegraf 1.19.2

A new maintenance release for Telegraf is available now. Telegraf 1.19.2 release notes This maintenance release of Telegraf includes the following improvements: Updated to Go 1.16.6 Linter fixes Dependencies Updated dynatrace-metric-utils-go module to v0.2.0 Agent Now able to detect changes to...

Tim Hall

Release Announcement: Kapacitor 1.6.1

A new feature-bearing release of Kapacitor is available now. Kapacitor 1.6.1 release notes This release for Kapacitor includes the following fixes and improvements: Flux Tasks Kapacitor now includes an embedded Flux engine to allow for Flux scripts to be scheduled.  A...

Samantha Wang

Release Announcement: Telegraf 1.19.1

A new maintenance release for Telegraf is available now. Telegraf 1.19.1 release notes This maintenance release of Telegraf includes the following improvements: Dependencies Updated nat-server module to v2.2.6 Updated apimachinary module to v0.21.1 Updated jwt module to v1.2.2 and jwt-go module...

Tim Hall

Release Announcement: Chronograf 1.9.0

A new feature-bearing release for Chronograf is now available. Chronograf 1.9.0 Release Notes This latest release of Chronograf includes the following new features: Kapacitor Integration and Flux Tasks With the introduction of Kapacitor 1.6, Kapacitor now allows for Flux scripts to...

Russ Savage

Release Announcement: InfluxDB OSS 2.0.7

A new maintenance release for InfluxDB OSS is available now. Thank you to all the community members who have downloaded and used this latest release. InfluxDB 2.0.7  release notes Fixes and improvements This maintenance release of InfluxDB OSS includes the following...

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