InfluxData Blog

The platform for building time series applications in less time with less code.


Samantha Wang

InfluxData Releases Telegraf 1.21.0

A new Telegraf feature-bearing release includes seven new plugins, SNMP plugin performance improvements, and plugin deprecation warnings.  Telegraf 1.21.0 – release notes The binaries for the latest Telegraf release can be found on our downloads page. Many thanks to the 70+...

Josh Powers

Plugin Spotlight: Exec & Execd

Telegraf comes included with over 200+ input plugins that collect metrics and events from a comprehensive list of sources. While these plugins cover a large number of use cases, Telegraf provides another mechanism to give users the power to meet nearly...

Samantha Wang

Release Announcement: Telegraf 1.20.4

A new maintenance release for Telegraf is available now. Telegraf 1.20.4 – Release Notes This maintenance release of Telegraf includes the following improvements and linter fixes for plugins/inputs/[h-o] (Thank you Pawe?!). Builds Removed Modbus Input Plugin from the build on OpenBSD. The...

Josh Powers

Docker: Run Telegraf as non-root

The Telegraf 1.20.3 release changed the official Telegraf DockerHub image to no longer run the Telegraf service as root. With this change, the Telegraf service runs with the least amount of privileges in the container to enhance security given the wide...

Samantha Wang

Release Announcement: Telegraf 1.20.3

A new maintenance release for Telegraf is available now. Telegraf 1.20.3 — Release Notes This maintenance release of Telegraf includes the following improvements: Security updates IPMI Sensor Input Passwords will not be stored in log files and now display REDACTED text to...

Josh Powers

Getting Started with Telegraf

Telegraf is a plugin-driven agent for collecting, processing, aggregating and writing metrics and events. Telegraf ships as a single binary with no external dependencies that runs with a minimal footprint and a plugin system that supports many popular services. Telegraf is...

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