Kernel Input Monitoring

Use This InfluxDB Integration for Free

The /proc/stat file contains various pieces of information about kernel activity and the processes running on the system. This information will help you investigate the behavior of a running application to debug the kernel, or to find system performance bottlenecks.

Why use the Kernel Telegraf Plugin?

The Kernel Telegraf Input Plugin gathers kernel statistics from /proc/stat and stores them in your InfluxDB instance. Because the Kernel plugin gathers information about the kernel that isn't collected from other plugins, it is helpful when combined with other metrics you can collect from the CPU, Disk, and even the DiskIO Telegraf plugins to gain a comprehensive view of your stack.

How to monitor Kernel using the Telegraf Plugin

Collecting metrics with the Kernel Telegraf Plugin is simple; just install and start collecting the metrics in your InfluxDB instance. There are no special confirmations for this plugin.

Key Kernel metrics to use for monitoring

Some of the important Kernel metrics that you could use to proactively monitor your system include:

  • boot_time (integer, seconds since epoch, btime)
  • context_switches (integer, ctxt)
  • disk_pages_in (integer, page (0))
  • disk_pages_out (integer, page (1))
  • interrupts (integer, intr)
  • processes_forked (integer, processes)
  • entropy_avail (integer, entropy_available)
For more information, please check out the documentation.

Project URL   Documentation

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