Building an IoT App with InfluxDB
Session date: Dec 15, 2022 08:00am (Pacific Time)
If you’re an IoT developer, engineer, project owner, or business, you won’t want to miss the free ($300 value!) virtual IoT Center Workshop from InfluxDB University. This workshop showcases a fully functional sample application called IoT Center that is built on InfluxDB. IoT Center demonstrates the capabilities of the InfluxDB platform to develop a JavaScript-enabled time-series-based application. It collects, stores and displays a set of values that include temperature, humidity, pressure, CO2 concentration, air quality, as well as provides GPS coordinates from a set of IoT devices (sensors). With this data stored in InfluxDB, the application can query it for display as well as write data back into the database.
Space is limited, so register soon to take advantage of this free 2-hour IoT workshop.
In this training, you will:
- Learn how to install this open source code (IoT Center) to learn how to query and write to InfluxDB using the InfluxDB JavaScript client
- Gain familiarity with Flux lang, which is designed for querying, analyzing, and acting on time series data
- Collect and visualize performance data of the Node.js application
- Sign up for a free InfluxDB Cloud account at in advance
- Test login after the registration and save credentials for the workshop
- Installed the git command line tool
- To test, run from command line: git --version
- If command not found, install git from
- Downloaded the IoT Center source code
- Run: git clone
- Installed required tools Node.js and yarn
- In the cloned iot-center-v2/app directory
- For Linux/Unix/macOS systems, run: ./
- For Windows system, skip this step and follow the next ones
- Installed Node.js JavaScript runtime
- To test, run: node --version
- Version must be v12.x.x and newer
- Install or upgrade Node.js from
- Installed yarn package manager
- To test, run: yarn --version
- The version in format “0.xx+git” requires upgrade
- Install or upgrade yarn from
- Installed all dependencies for IoT Center application
- In the cloned iot-center-v2/app directory
- Run: yarn install
Don’t want to wait? You can watch a previously recorded session here.

Miroslav Malecha
Director of Product Management, Bonitoo
Miroslav Malecha is Director of Product management at He has a background in computer science and has been focused on defining software products in data science, enterprise architectures and cloud computing. Prior to joining Bonitoo, Miroslav held product management positions at Good Data and Hewlett-Packard Software. When Mirek is not working, you can find him speeding down hills on his ebike in the forests near Prague.

Charles Mahler
Technical Marketing Writer, InfluxData
Charles Mahler is a Technical Marketing Writer at InfluxData where he creates content to help educate users on the InfluxData and time series data ecosystem. Charles' background includes working in digital marketing and full-stack software development.