InfluxData Blog

The platform for building time series applications in less time with less code.


Russ Savage

Release Announcement: Chronograf 1.8.5

A new maintenance release for Chronograf is now available. Chronograf 1.8.5 - Release Notes This maintenance release of Chronograf includes the following fixes: Chronograf OAuth - Fixed an issue where public url was required for generic OAuth configurations Windows Support -...

Russ Savage

Release Announcement: Chronograf 1.8.4

A new maintenance release for Chronograf is now available. Chronograf 1.8.4 - Release Notes This maintenance release of Chronograf includes the following fixes: Resolves an issue that was causing OAuth logins to fail under certain conditions. Fixes the expiration time of...

Russ Savage

Release Announcement: Chronograf 1.8.0

A new feature release for Chronograf is now available. Chronograf 1.8.0 release notes This release of Chronograf includes the following features and fixes: Chronograf can now be configured to store its metadata in etcd instead of boltdb. This means multiple Chronograf...

Tim Hall

Release Announcement: Chronograf 1.7.12

A new maintenance releases for Chronograf is now available. This maintenance release of Chronograf 1.7.12 includes the following fixes: Allow negative numbers for configured y-axis minimums. Properly update query time bounds when zooming in on a dashboard. Clarify wording of PagerDuty...

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