Getting Excited for Flux Training: IoT-Sensor-Enabled Pizza Making

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Flux training

Our upcoming Flux Training (June 8-9) will be using an IoT-sensor-enabled pizza oven and corresponding time-stamped data as an example. You will be learning Flux while discussing how the temperature and the humidity levels of a pizza oven can impact the cooking of the pizza crust and the melting of the mozzarella. Get ready to become more familiar with InfluxDB and Flux!

Why should I join?

Are you considering registering and are concerned you don’t know InfluxDB or Flux well enough? Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. Many previous attendees weren’t familiar with Flux prior to the course either - this is why you should join. Throughout both days (June 8 and 9) there will be lectures, demos and breaks for hands-on practice. As this training will occur before the keynotes and sessions, you will gain more from the conference. And if that isn’t reason enough, don’t forget — the sessions will be about making pizza and collecting sensor data from a pizza oven!

What is Flux?

Flux is a data scripting and query language that is ideal for ETL, monitoring and alerting - and developed by the creators of InfluxDB, the open source time series database.

Flux is empowering for developers because it:

  • Has a CLI and a web-based UI for point-and-click scripting
  • Combines the power of InfluxQL and the functionality of TICKscripts to create a more powerful single unified syntax (which was primarily inspired by 2018's most popular scripting language: JavaScript)
  • Is meant to be usable, readable, flexible, composable, testable, contributable and shareable

Now that you’re excited to learn Fluxlang, why should you attend our upcoming Flux Training on June 8-9 2020

What should I expect?

We’re super excited to be providing Hands-On Flux Training as part of InfluxDays June 2020 Virtual Experience. Even though the training is going to be virtual this year, it’s still going to be fantastic. As it’s virtual this year, it is discounted at half the cost of the in-person training. Now you get to learn Flux from home in your sweatpants and cozy hoodies!

learn Flux from home

Photo source

Over the two half-day course, all students will learn the basic Flux concepts as well as more advanced topics like User Defined Functions. By the end of the training, you should feel comfortable enough with InfluxDB and Flux to manipulate time series data and provide real-time analysis.

Course overview:

Our Flux trainers are InfluxDB and Flux experts. They are professors of data science, built the training, and have taught the course before. As previous students noticed, they are Flux experts whose knowledge is deep. Besides knowing the material and concepts very well, they are experienced trainers; in fact, one is a professor at Italy’s largest technical universities. Having sat in on the previous training, I know first-hand that they are always willing to help students, ensure they’re understanding the material, and getting the most out of the course.

A majority of previous attendees weren’t familiar with Flux, but now they feel more confident about using Fluxlang. As a previous student said: “I think having one language to do both querying and stream processing is great!” We’ve had students from around the world including from Germany, the US and China attend the training, and they all felt more comfortable with Flux afterwards.

"I really enjoyed the Flux training. Before the course, I didn't know Flux. By completing the bootcamp, I was able to  produce an advanced dashboard using Flux and InfluxDB Cloud 2.0. I think the instructors Marco and Emmanuelle did a great job putting the right amount of information for the training. It was fun!" Angelo Fausti, Software Engineer, Vera C Rubin Observatory

If you’re concerned about this training being virtual - don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. There will be a great student-to-teacher ratio throughout the course, plus InfluxDB experts from InfluxData there to answer questions. Thanks to Zoom and Slack, we will be in constant contact with everyone. We already have an active Slack workspace. Check it out now before the training. There will be virtual office hours after Day Two where you can ask the instructors all of your questions - just like school!

If you’re interested in learning more about pizza making and Flux, register for our virtual hands-on Flux Training which is being held on June 8-9, 2020.