InfluxData Achieves AWS Data and Competency Status

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InfluxDB, the leading time series database, and AWS, the leading web services vendor, have a long-standing partnership. InfluxDB has been available as a SaaS product on AWS for many years.

And as InfluxDB has grown and matured, most notably with the release of InfluxDB 3.0 this year, so has our partnership with AWS. That’s why we’re excited to announce that InfluxData achieved AWS Data and Analytics Competency status in the Data Analytics Platforms and NoSQL/New SQL categories. This designation recognizes our expertise and success in helping customers leverage AWS services to build, manage, and analyze their data at scale.

As organizations increasingly rely on data to drive their business decisions, the need for robust and scalable data management and analytics solutions becomes paramount. One of the key factors at play is the vast amount of sensor data that companies need to cope with. Rapidly generated time series data requires purpose-built tools to ensure that systems and analysis can keep pace. With this competency designation, InfluxData demonstrates InfluxDB’s ability to deliver innovative and reliable solutions that meet the high standards set by AWS.

InfluxDB is a powerful time series database that enables organizations to store, analyze, and manage time-stamped data. With InfluxDB, businesses can capture and analyze real-time data from a range of sources, including IoT devices, sensors, and application logs. By leveraging AWS services such as Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Lambda, IoT Core, and many others, InfluxDB users can easily scale their data infrastructure and unlock the full potential of their time series data across the AWS ecosystem.

Here are a few examples of customers that combine InfluxDB and AWS and do critical work in the process:

  • Teréga Solutions, a subsidiary of Teréga—one of France’s largest gas and transportation companies—uses InfluxDB hosted on AWS to power its modern data historian IO-Base. IO-Base, in turn, connects to Indabox, a proprietary gateway that connects to a range of sensors and systems. Using this technology, Teréga Solutions makes intelligent industrial operations available to organizations all over Europe.

  • Ju:niz Energy provides large-scale energy storage systems and develops intelligent energy management systems that control and optimize battery storage operations. The company uses InfluxDB, run on AWS, to collect sensor data on batteries and battery arrays to optimize energy consumption and enable predictive maintenance. This results in more efficient and accessible renewable energy.

  • LBBC Technologies is the world leader in the design and manufacturing of industrial autoclave technology. Aerospace customers use this equipment to manufacture high-performance castings, like turbine blades. LBBC uses InfluxDB Cloud to collect data from PLCs and other sensor data to enable remote anomaly detection and predictive maintenance. These insights help LBBC monitor equipment anywhere in the world, identify issues before they occur, and resolve those issues faster.

We are proud that AWS recognizes our commitment to delivering innovative and reliable data and analytics solutions. This achievement further solidifies our position as a leader in the industry and reinforces our dedication to helping organizations harness the power of their data.