IBM Cloud

The IBM Cloud has been built to help you solve problems and advance opportunities in a world flush with data. Whether it’s data you possess, data outside your firewall, or data that’s coming, the IBM Cloud helps you protect it, move it, integrate it and unlock intelligence from it—giving you what it takes to prevail in a competitive market.

Select your delivery models, locations, services, tools and data to meet your specific workload needs. You can build on top of what you have, connecting applications across all types of cloud with on-premises systems. The IBM Cloud is open by design, giving you the flexibility and control you need to leverage your skills and technology investments.

Enabling time series in the IBM Cloud

Server, application and human event driven data is all time series in nature. With an open source core InfluxData is purpose-built for time-series, and developer happiness remains a key cornerstone. Together, InfluxData and IBM create a new and efficient experience for the modern developer, who increasingly must handle more data points and more data sources across multiple systems and environments.

InfluxDB Cloud on the IBM Cloud Catalog

InfluxDB Cloud is available on the IBM Cloud in the Bluemix Catalog. Developers using IBM Cloud can discover, register, and deploy InfluxDB Cloud from within that environment.

Key resources

IBM Container Service

Chris Rosen, IBM Container Service Offering Manager, and Gunnar Aasen, Partner Engineering, provide an introduction to the IBM Container Services using Kubernetes and InfluxData. From there, they will show you how to use the two together to setup and monitor your containers and microservices to properly manage your infrastructure and track key metrics (CPU, RAM, storage, network utilization), as well as the availability of your application endpoints.

IBM Container Service

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