
Powerful data collection

Telegraf is an open source server agent that helps you collect metrics from your stacks, sensors, and systems.

Why use Telegraf?

Telegraf collects and sends time series data from databases, systems, and IoT sensors. It has no external dependencies, is easy to install, and requires minimal hardware resources.

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IoT Sensors

Collect critical stateful data (e.g., pressure levels, temp levels, etc.) with popular protocols like MQTT, ModBus, OPC-UA, and Kafka.

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DevOps Tools and Frameworks

Gather metrics from cloud platforms, containers, and orchestrators like GitHub, Kubernetes, CloudWatch, Prometheus, and more.


System Telemetry

Collect system telemetry data like iptables, Netstat, NGINX, and HAProxy to provide a full stack view of your apps.

Advanced capabilities to empower your data


Complete Data Collection

Telegraf is an open source plugin-driven server agent for collecting and reporting time series data. Written in Go and compiled as a standalone binary, it can be executed on any system with no external dependencies. Telegraf also contains in-memory metric buffers to maintain data collection if the downstream database is temporarily unavailable.



With 300+ plugins, Telegraf is the way to start collecting metrics from cloud services, applications, IoT sensors, and more. It enables flexible parsing and serializing for a variety of data formats (such as JSON, CSV, and Graphite) and can serialize the data in InfluxDB line protocol and Prometheus, to name a few.

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Robust Delivery

Telegraf has reliable metric delivery guarantees with flow back-pressure. It also includes a scheduler, adjusts for clock drift and full streaming support, and allows you to parse, format, or serialize your unstructured data before sending it to its final destination, saving time and storage space.

Four types of Telegraf plugins

Input +

Telegraf Input Plugins collect metrics from communication protocols, services, and 3rd party APIs.

Process +

Processor Plugins transform, decorate, and filter metrics before they are sent, anitizing your data as it arrives.

Aggregate +

Aggregator Plugins create aggregate metrics, such as the average mean, minimum, and maximum from the metrics you have collected, and processed.

Output +

Write data to a variety of datastores, services, and message queues, like InfluxDB, Graphite, OpenTSDB, Datadog, Kafka, MQTT, NSQ, and others.

Telegraf Plugin Library

With hundreds of plugins to choose from, you can collect data from virtually any source. Don’t see what you need? Telegraf is open source, so you can write your own custom plugins, too.

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