FuseMail®, the email division of j2 Global®, is an advanced managed email solutions provider that, for more than 20 years, has been ensuring the secure and reliable delivery of corporate email messages. Providing email solutions to more than 25 million mailboxes, FuseMail offers a range of cloud-based email security services including sophisticated spam and virus filtering, email archiving, encryption, continuity, hosted Microsoft® Exchange and hosted webmail. FuseMail provides award-winning, comprehensive solutions that are expertly delivered and supported by dedicated teams in Canada, the United States, the U.K. and Ireland ensuring clients receive optimal performance and guaranteed peace of mind.
FuseMail needed to collect and act on email latency to keep their cloud-based secure email service performant. Their current queue threshold monitoring did not provide visibility into live traffic or system performance specifics. To address this, they built an email latency collection system and used InfluxDB to store the high cardinality metrics gathered from their custom mailers to the tune of over 1.5 million time series per database. Using InfluxDB for event logging storage, and Grafana for data visualization, FuseMail surpassed their monitoring goals by gaining unexpected visibility, control, and debugging capabilities.
25 million +
Number of clients of their email mailbox solutions
1.5 million
Time series per database, being stored in InfluxDB
Gained latency visibility
Became more performant and improved customer experience
“We relied on queue depth to detect delivery lag, which shows you when you have really big problems, but it doesn’t show you any of the little problems. There were lots of small issues bubbling under the radar.”