Graphite Energy’s primary goal is to enable better industrial decarbonization. They help turn renewable energy into heat — this helps process industries, food, steel and aluminum manufacturers to decarbonize and ultimately replace fossil fuels. By helping customers reduce their fossil fuel usage, Graphite Energy is helping reduce their CO2 emissions.
Graphite Energy’s thermal energy storage (TES) platform encourages clients to offset their traditional energy consumption with low-cost renewable energy sources. Their customers include manufacturers, mines, steelmakers and aluminum plants. Graphite Energy is helping their clients collect industrial sensors data about energy usage, fuel consumption, temperature, solar panels, wind farms, process steam and air dryers. Graphite Energy chose InfluxDB over a data historian to collect IIoT data used to monitor their zero-emission energy platform.
Improved industry 4.0 monitoring
By using IIoT sensor data from manufacturers to create digital twins
Reduced carbon footprint
Enabling industrial decarbonization and decreasing C02 emissions
Gained faster time series data analysis
Needed to replace SQL and Excel
“We are absolutely sticking with InfluxDB for our data storage. This is enabling our success and we think enabling our customers’ success.”