Sensu Inc. is the creator and maintainer of Sensu, the open source monitoring event pipeline. Founded in 2017, Sensu empowers businesses to automate their monitoring workflow and gain deep visibility into their Kubernetes, hybrid cloud, and bare metal infrastructure. Backed by one of the largest open source communities in monitoring, companies like Sony,, and Activision rely on Sensu to help them deliver value to their customers faster, at larger scale. Sensu maintains the free and open source Sensu Core framework as well as the commercially supported Sensu Enterprise, which offers enhanced features to simplify operations and governance, with multi-cloud support for monitoring at scale.

Sensu’s latest product version is Sensu Go, an end-to-end event monitoring software built on an open source core and hosted entirely in the cloud. Written in Go and designed to provide a more frictionless deployment, Sensu Go is now friendlier than ever to containerized environments (Kubernetes, Docker, Cloud Foundry) and cloud compute instances. Scalable, automated workflows allow for easy integration with whatever existing tools your team may use. Sensu Go has built-in integrations for metric extraction in InfluxDB line protocol, and the team wrote the sensu-influxdb-handler so users of Sensu Go can populate a time series database with metrics collected and aggregated in Sensu.

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