Software Engineer Sebastian Ru?anowski originally discovered InfluxData and its products while working for Teleste, a Finnish technology company which offers broadband video and data communication networks and services. After discovering InfluxDB’s diverse capabilities, Sebastian decided to bring it home with him and implement it in his own project.
His project, called Ubiquitous, is designed to scan online wholesalers and eShops to continuously look for any changes to products or groups of products so that subscribers can receive a notification of the newest updates and events. The basis of the project consists of centralized metrics, logging and tracing — every notification is pushed from the server to the subscribers through SignalR.
Sebastian uses InfluxDB to collect metrics across the application, alongside AppMetrics — and while he’s a new InfluxDB user, he is impressed with how well InfluxDB gets the job done! He has been particularly impressed with how well InfluxData’s products (such as InfluxDB and Chronograf) integrate with Grafana as well as .NET Core.
Enabled real-time monitoring
Continuously scanning wholesalers and e-commerce sites for product and pricing changes
Adopted better DevOps practices
By collecting app metrics, logs and traces
Improved alerting
All alerts are pushed to subscribers via SignalR
Technologies Used