InfluxData Blog

The platform for building time series applications in less time with less code.


Al Sargent

Monitoring AWS with Telegraf & InfluxDB Cloud

Recently I’ve been playing with InfluxDB Cloud and Telegraf for synthetic monitoring of Amazon Web Services API endpoints, and thought I’d share my configuration notes. What are InfluxDB and Telegraf? InfluxDB is an open-source time series database, and Telegraf is a software agent for sending time-series data to InfluxDB. Telegraf has hundreds of plugins to...

Rick Brown

Using A Telegraf Gateway

If you meet InfluxData at a trade show, or we provide you with a demo, you might be shown the dashboard called “Rick’s House”. I’m that “Rick”, and this is how I’m sending my data to InfluxDB Cloud, which currently looks...

Samantha Wang

Release Announcement: Telegraf 1.12.5

A new maintenance release for Telegraf is available now. Telegraf 1.12.5  release notes This maintenance release of Telegraf includes improvements to the following plugins: Ping Input (ping) Fixed an issue to include missing ping errors and packets received metrics. SQL Server Input (sqlserver)...

Samantha Wang

Release Announcement: Telegraf 1.12.4

A new maintenance release for Telegraf is available now. Telegraf 1.12.4  release notes This maintenance release of Telegraf includes improvements to the following plugins: Agent Updated to use Go 1.12.12 for official builds. Ping Input (ping) Fixed an issue with the metrics generated...

Russ Savage

Release Announcement: Telegraf 1.12.3

A new maintenance release for Telegraf is available now. Telegraf 1.12.3  release notes This maintenance release of Telegraf includes improvements to the following plugins: Agent Updated to use Go 1.12.10 for official builds. Fixed to only add the authorization header when...

Russ Savage

Release Announcement: Telegraf 1.12.2

A new maintenance release for Telegraf is available now. Telegraf 1.12.2  release notes This maintenance release of Telegraf includes improvements to the following plugins: Agent Removed the requirement for the goplugin build flag by default. Users can still enable support with...

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