Developer Tools

Use InfluxDB to simplify and expedite the ingestion and use of time-stamped data for better workflows and alerting.
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Why use InfluxDB?

Developers use the InfluxDB platform to speed up the application development process by making systems and processes faster and more efficient.


Cloud Applications

Developers use their preferred tools, language and client libaries to build their apps in the cloud.

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Enabling modern service-oriented architectures for cloud, hybrid and on-premises environments.

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Using multi-player game and internal metrics to improve the customer experience - reduce outages and provide anomaly insights.

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New InfluxData Reference Architecture Diagram


Startups to Fortune 500 enterprises are building applications with InfluxDB.

“We didn’t have a great way to figure out and quickly diagnose what endpoint was driving that problem… That’s how we started thinking about monitoring APIs. And that’s what led us down this journey with InfluxData.”

Gagan Kanwar, MuleSoft Anypoint Monitoring

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