Choosing the right database is a critical choice when building any software application. All databases have different strengths and weaknesses when it comes to performance, so deciding which database has the most benefits and the most minor downsides for your specific use case and data model is an important decision. Below you will find an overview of the key concepts, architecture, features, use cases, and pricing models of Amazon Timestream for LiveAnalytics and ClickHouse so you can quickly see how they compare against each other.

The primary purpose of this article is to compare how Amazon Timestream for LiveAnalytics and ClickHouse perform for workloads involving time series data, not for all possible use cases. Time series data typically presents a unique challenge in terms of database performance. This is due to the high volume of data being written and the query patterns to access that data. This article doesn’t intend to make the case for which database is better; it simply provides an overview of each database so you can make an informed decision.

Amazon Timestream for LiveAnalytics vs ClickHouse Breakdown

Database Model

Time series database

Columnar database


Timestream is a fully managed, serverless time series database service that is only available on AWS.

ClickHouse can be deployed on-premises, in the cloud, or as a managed service.


Closed source

Apache 2.0

Use Cases

Monitoring, observability, IoT, real-time analytics

Real-time analytics, big data processing, event logging, monitoring, IoT, data warehousing


Serverless and automatically scalable, handling ingestion, storage, and query workload without manual intervention

Horizontally scalable, supports distributed query processing and parallel execution

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Amazon Timestream for LiveAnalytics Overview

Amazon Timestream for LiveAnalytics is a fully managed, serverless time series database service developed by Amazon Web Services (AWS). Launched in 2020, Amazon Timestream for LiveAnalytics is designed specifically for handling time series data, making it an ideal choice for IoT, monitoring, and analytics applications that require high ingestion rates, efficient storage, and fast querying capabilities. As a part of the AWS ecosystem, Timestream seamlessly integrates with other AWS services, simplifying the process of building and deploying time series applications in the cloud.

ClickHouse Overview

ClickHouse is an open source columnar database management system designed for high-performance online analytical processing (OLAP) tasks. It was developed by Yandex, a leading Russian technology company. ClickHouse is known for its ability to process large volumes of data in real-time, providing fast query performance and real-time analytics. Its columnar storage architecture enables efficient data compression and faster query execution, making it suitable for large-scale data analytics and business intelligence applications.

Amazon Timestream for LiveAnalytics for Time Series Data

Amazon Timestream for LiveAnalytics is designed specifically for handling time series data, making it a suitable choice for a wide range of applications that require high ingestion rates, efficient storage, and fast querying capabilities. Its dual-tiered storage architecture, consisting of the Memory Store and Magnetic Store, allows Timestream to automatically manage data retention and optimize storage costs based on data age and access patterns. Additionally, Timestream supports SQL-like querying and integrates with popular analytics tools, making it easy for users to gain insights from their time series data.

ClickHouse for Time Series Data

ClickHouse can be used for storing and analyzing time series data effectively, although it is not explicitly optimized for working with time series data. While ClickHouse can query time series data very quickly once ingested, it tends to struggle with very high write scenarios where data needs to be ingested in smaller batches so it can be analyzed in real time.

Amazon Timestream for LiveAnalytics Key Concepts

  • Memory Store: In Amazon Timestream for LiveAnalytics, the Memory Store is a component that stores recent, mutable time series data in memory for fast querying and analysis.
  • Magnetic Store: The Magnetic Store in Amazon Timestream for LiveAnalytics is responsible for storing historical, immutable time series data on disk for cost-efficient, long-term storage.
  • Time-to-Live (TTL): Amazon Timestream for LiveAnalytics allows users to set a TTL on their time series data, which determines how long data is retained in the Memory Store before being moved to the Magnetic Store or deleted.

ClickHouse Key Concepts

  • Columnar storage: ClickHouse stores data in a columnar format, which means that data for each column is stored separately. This enables efficient compression and faster query execution, as only the required columns are read during query execution.
  • Distributed processing: ClickHouse supports distributed processing, allowing queries to be executed across multiple nodes in a cluster, improving query performance and scalability.
  • Data replication: ClickHouse provides data replication, ensuring data availability and fault tolerance in case of hardware failures or node outages.
  • Materialized Views: ClickHouse supports materialized views, which are precomputed query results stored as tables. Materialized views can significantly improve query performance, as they allow for faster data retrieval by avoiding the need to recompute the results for each query.

Amazon Timestream for LiveAnalytics Architecture

Amazon Timestream for LiveAnalytics is built on a serverless, distributed architecture that supports SQL-like querying capabilities. Its data model is specifically tailored for time series data, using time-stamped records and a flexible schema that can accommodate varying data granularities and dimensions. The core components of Timestream’s architecture include the Memory Store and the Magnetic Store, which together manage data retention, storage, and querying. The Memory Store is optimized for fast querying of recent data, while the Magnetic Store provides cost-efficient, long-term storage for historical data.

ClickHouse Architecture

ClickHouse’s architecture is designed to support high-performance analytics on large datasets. ClickHouse stores data in a columnar format. This enables efficient data compression and faster query execution, as only the required columns are read during query execution. ClickHouse also supports distributed processing, which allows for queries to be executed across multiple nodes in a cluster. ClickHouse uses the MergeTree storage engine as its primary table engine. MergeTree is designed for high-performance OLAP tasks and supports data replication, data partitioning, and indexing.

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Amazon Timestream for LiveAnalytics Features

Serverless architecture

Amazon Timestream for LiveAnalytics serverless architecture eliminates the need for users to manage or provision infrastructure, making it easy to scale and reducing operational overhead.

Dual-tiered storage

Timestream’s dual-tiered storage architecture, consisting of the Memory Store and Magnetic Store, automatically manages data retention and optimizes storage costs based on data age and access patterns.

SQL-like querying

Amazon Timestream for LiveAnalytics supports SQL-like querying and integrates with popular analytics tools, making it easy for users to gain insights from their time series data.

ClickHouse Features

Real-time analytics

ClickHouse is designed for real-time analytics and can process large volumes of data with low latency, providing fast query performance and real-time insights.

Data compression

ClickHouse’s columnar storage format enables efficient data compression, reducing storage requirements and improving query performance.

Materialized views

ClickHouse supports materialized views, which can significantly improve query performance by precomputing and storing query results as tables.

Amazon Timestream for LiveAnalytics Use Cases

IoT device monitoring

Amazon Timestream for LiveAnalytic’s support for high ingestion rates and efficient storage makes it an ideal choice for monitoring and analyzing data from IoT devices, such as sensors and smart appliances.

Application performance monitoring

Timestream’s fast querying capabilities and ability to handle large volumes of time series data make it suitable for application performance monitoring, allowing users to track and analyze key performance indicators in real-time and identify bottlenecks or issues.

Infrastructure monitoring

Amazon Timestream for LiveAnalytics can be used to monitor and analyze infrastructure metrics, such as CPU utilization, memory usage, and network traffic, enabling organizations to optimize resource utilization, identify potential issues, and maintain a high level of performance for their critical systems.

ClickHouse Use Cases

Large-scale data analytics

ClickHouse’s high-performance query engine and columnar storage format make it suitable for large-scale data analytics and business intelligence applications.

Real-time reporting

ClickHouse’s real-time analytics capabilities enable organizations to generate real-time reports and dashboards, providing up-to-date insights for decision-making.

Log and event data analysis

ClickHouse’s ability to process large volumes of data in real-time makes it a suitable choice for log and event data analysis, such as analyzing web server logs or application events.

Amazon Timestream for LiveAnalytics Pricing Model

Amazon Timestream for LiveAnalyticsv offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model based on data ingestion, storage, and query execution. Ingestion costs are determined by the volume of data ingested into Timestream, while storage costs are based on the amount of data stored in the Memory Store and Magnetic Store. Query execution costs are calculated based on the amount of data scanned and processed during query execution. Timestream also offers a free tier for users to explore the service and build proof-of-concept applications without incurring costs.

ClickHouse Pricing Model

ClickHouse is an open source database and can be deployed on your own hardware. The developers of ClickHouse have also recently created ClickHouse Cloud which is a managed service for deploying ClickHouse.