InfluxDB and AWS

  • Choose InfluxDB with AWS in US West (Oregon), Europe (Frankfurt), US East (Virginia), or Asia Pacific (Sydney) with many more regions coming soon.
  • Start your journey at InfluxData and choose one of the AWS regions in InfluxDB Cloud, or start it in the AWS Marketplace to purchase InfluxDB Cloud with your AWS credits to keep all your expenses centralized.
  • Whichever way you start, you can keep your entire stack in the AWS region of your choice to avoid unnecessary latency and the cost of moving data.

Support for your AWS toolset

  • InfluxDB comes with integrations and tools to support the AWS components you use to build your application.
  • Easily collect data, using Telegraf plugins, from AWS CloudWatch, AWS EKS, AWS Kinesis, AWS Lambda, and AWS RDS.

IoT application building

Pulling data from IoT devices and sensors into AWS? Use one of the IoT-specific Telegraf plugins, including Modbus, MQTT, OPC-UA, and Sensor plugins.

Featured customers:

Build Your Apps Faster with InfluxDB and AWS

Start using InfluxDB and AWS to build your apps faster and accelerate your time to awesome.